Any Day Now

Nope, no baby yet. Still waiting, and yes it is the hardest part. My midwifes only check the cervix if you ask them to. Last time they checked (a week ago) I was starting to efface but that's it. My last appointment on Weds they said that her head was way way way down there and that COULD be a sign of impending labor, but in medical terms impending labor is anywhere between 5 minutes and one month.

I have heard about the cabbage thing too and that it has to be frozen, so I will try it when I start getting ouchie. I have little bursts of energy but they are always followed by a full day in bed the next day. I am just too exhausted for words and it sucks cause there is so much I need to get done.

Inky, I am sure you that you couldn't pay me enough to clean your apartment. I've heard stories about the trash, the garbage disposal and *shudder* the bathroom. :D
PrincessLissa said:
Inky, I am sure you could pay me enough to clean your apartment. I've heard stories about the trash, the garbage disposal and *shudder* the bathroom. :D

You meant COULDN'T pay you enough :D
PrincessLissa said:
Ack! I need to fix that. I'm a tard. Thanks!
No problem...didn't want him starting to make offers and you considering it when the offer got high :D Noone should be subjected to that :D
No garbage disposal at this apartment. The bathroom's actually not bad here, too. The only thing is I have a really small one-bowl kitchen sink and no dishwasher, so it's kind of a pain to do the dishes here... and I'm out of forks and spoons, and just about out of glasses... and about out of pans... so it's time to wash my dishes sometime. I'm considering throwing them in a big plastic bag and taking them up to my parents' house so I can use their dishwasher. :D
Inkara1 said:
No garbage disposal at this apartment. The bathroom's actually not bad here, too. The only thing is I have a really small one-bowl kitchen sink and no dishwasher, so it's kind of a pain to do the dishes here... and I'm out of forks and spoons, and just about out of glasses... and about out of pans... so it's time to wash my dishes sometime. I'm considering throwing them in a big plastic bag and taking them up to my parents' house so I can use their dishwasher. :D

ewwww DUDE wash your dishes once a day and you'd be fine!
Inkara1 said:
No garbage disposal at this apartment. The bathroom's actually not bad here, too. The only thing is I have a really small one-bowl kitchen sink and no dishwasher, so it's kind of a pain to do the dishes here... and I'm out of forks and spoons, and just about out of glasses... and about out of pans... so it's time to wash my dishes sometime. I'm considering throwing them in a big plastic bag and taking them up to my parents' house so I can use their dishwasher. :D

Sorta implementing the laundry theory huh? LOL
Hang in there Sweetie-the end is always the longest & hardest part....but before you know it, you'll have a brand new bundle of joy! And believe me when I say this.....the first couple months are really the best part...they grow up so fast, you dont know where the time goes. I always said I couldnt wait till they started walking, talking, go to school, etc..., now I look back and say...Oh God, I wish they were babies again and i could just hold them forever. I definetly don't miss the diapers and bottles though.

Thinking of you, and praying for a safe delivery and healthy baby! :winkkiss:
Thanks! I did the same thing with my daughter. I couldn't wait for her to walk and say mama and all those big milestones, but I miss her little tiny body all bundled up in a blanket with a big toothless grin . Let them be Little cause they are only that way for a while.

I am getting all misty eyed thinking about it. :D
still nothin, huh? :blank:

gotta love that "did you have the baby yet?" 5 bajillion times a day :laugh:
That is just what I was thinking (see Leslie's post) - any sign of a sweet bundle of joy yet???? :)
Nope, nothing yet. I am hoping. I have been walking as much as I can. She is sitting on the pubic bone pretty bad so I can't walk too much at times. We aren't allowed to have sex, although maybe we can now. I can ask about that. I've been rubbing my ankles in the reflexology points. The only thing left I can think of is stripping the membranes but my midwife won't do that until about 41 or 42 weeks.
there is something in sperm (i used to know the name of the chemical) that produces minor cervical contractions with contact. however, they are very minor and usually just serve to cause discomfort...but that being said it might just be the push you need to start heavier labor contractions...i say go for it.
Hot baths did it for me every time. Well, not hot, but you know what I mean. So long as your water hasn't broke.