Any other piano players here? My hands hurt.

outside looking in

<b>Registered Member</b>
I practiced for nearly two hours this evening getting ready for a performance Sunday for a piano teachers' convention.

I'm playing Clair de lune by Debussy, and it's giving me fits.

I'm not that accomplished of a player, and this is probably just a tad over my head, but I wanted to do something challenging. Well, I got what I asked for. :(

So, anyone else poke around at the keys like me? Musicians of any type?
the extent of my involvement wth musical instruments:


rockband.gif, 4.35kb

I have a flamingo pink piano. I mostly play by ear, but I have a bunch of music... I can read it if I have to.
I have a pretty kewl acoustic piano (black D.H Baldwin) only a few years old at home, but the little cousins got on it and broke the sustain pedal :mad: :mad2: Now I need to repair it...

I've been playing piano/organ/synth for nearly 10 years now, mostly by ear (I can read the treble key well but I have more trouble with the bass key). I was playing pop/classic methods but then I went more into videogame music (Zelda, etc.) , rock, what-i-hear-on-the-radio and even sometimes techno (Chemical Brothers' "Loops of Fury" is phat on an acoustic piano :D)

I've been playing a bit with comp software (Cakewalk) and tracking, but I really need to buy a MIDI keyboard one of those days...

Long live music players!
I played back in my youth. Its been many a year since I've tried. The dexterity isn't imprinted like it used to be. The mind knows the note. It knows where the note is. The auto command to the hand sequence to hit the right keys is what is broken for me.

Gonz, what is up with the text size in your post? Was that on purpose? I've been seeing stuff like that here and there on the forum (small text for half a line and such) and wondered what caused it.

How's 13 years straight sound? Took lessons until i was like a junior in high school :)

also played the alto sax, trumpet, guitar and base.
Trumpet? Sweet!

I've been playing the trumpet for... um [looks at fingers]... 18 years, though I'm a bit rusty at the moment. Got to get the chops back in shape to play at a friend's wedding. Piano was always a side interest for me, took lessons for a couple of months here and there, maybe a year or two total when I was young.

I really took an interest in it after I started working... not sure why, just decided I'd love to learn to play better. I bought a 6'6" Grand a couple of months ago... you should see this thing in my apartment! D
Originally posted by outside looking in

Gonz, what is up with the text size in your post? Was that on purpose? I've been seeing stuff like that here and there on the forum (small text for half a line and such) and wondered what caused it.

OLI, see those size, text, color, align boxes above the reply window? Switch that BBcode button to enhanced and you have the option of using all of them[/SIZ]
play around with them, you'll get the hang of it. (don't forget to close your tags)
When I was a kid, I so wanted to play music. So I went for lessons. After about 10 mins, the instructor gave me back my money, and said that he was very sorry, but I was hopeless. He wasn't the last. I simply don't have the hands to be a musician.
Tarez, who is that kid that you keep showing in your sig????? Kinda weird.

I have been playing guitar for 14 years. Used to be a lot of metal. I used to have a band called PUS. Now I play more classical than anything.
Played Piano for about 15 years, but kinda stopped when I was twelve at Grade 5. Took up drums. Been playing them for about 8 years now. Also mess around quite a bit with Cakewalk/Reason, although it's pretty difficult here at uni without a piano. My dad plays bass, so I can tinker on that too. Bass is probably my favourite instrument, even though I don't play it.

Been damn good to me... played on TV, Albert Hall, Millenium Dome (damn), some radion stuff. I can pick up a pair of sticks and literally play for hours, I fucking love it. Probably would be doing music now if I wasn't such a g**k. :D

Originally posted by MuFu
Played Piano for about 15 years, but kinda stopped when I was twelve at Grade 5.

So you started playing piano when you were negative 3 years old??????????
It sounds as if he is saying that he was hardcore into piano up to the age of twelve. He then drifted away from it but still managed to keep up with it for the most part.
I know what i think I thunk and thought I thunk when i thunked about thinking about thunking. :headbang:

Yeah, hardcore from 5 till 12 just about sums it up. At twelve I sorta burnt out because I was doing way too much stuff in general (purely out of my own choice, wasn't forced by my folks or any crap like that...).

I remember getting up at about 5am, swimming training for two hours before school started, studying hard all day then finishing with rugby or cricket practice in the afternoon then maybe another session in the pool later on. All this was interspersed with band rehersals/clubs etc. Amazing how much I used to do back then. Was swimming 8-9 times a week at one point on top of all the other stuff. Music took up at least 10 hours a week, not including private practice (which I didn't really do anyway).

Now I don't really get much done at all. Spend too much time mincing around hardware forums. :D

nodnod that is a logo for my new movies coming out :) there is a trailer linked to good reviews so far