Any other piano players here? My hands hurt.

Thanks *Q* for the tip. ;) I know that stuff was there, just that I've seen small text in several posts here when there didn't seem to be a reason for it... kinda random looking I thought. Oh well.

I practiced again this morning. I don't think I'll be able to get through the performance without a few mistakes. :(
Well, I made it through Clair de lune twice in a row this morning without noticeable mistakes. I perform about 2:30 this after noon (about two and a half hours from now) so wish me luck.

whew. Glad that's over.

I made it through with no real mistakes... just not as good on the tempo, dynamics, and phrasing as I would have liked. But, with my leg and hands shaking, I'm lucky to have played it as well as I did.

On to the next song now...
Nice one. :D

I remember having to do piano recitals. Used to get really, really nervous. Same for exams.

Then when I had been playing drums for a few years and had to do a couple of big performances, the nerves just went. Partly it was due to me enjoying myself loads, and partly cos I said to myself "Why the fuck are you getting so nervous? You gotta stop otherwise you're just going to screw stuff up! Being really nervous is just stopping you from giving your best performance..". Worked wonders... in later gigs I swear the crowd were more nervous than we were. Very, very cool. :)

My only hobbies involving music are mixing 2 pieces of music together using a combination of the Winamp plugin called Pacemaker (varies pitch and tempo independently), the Disk Writer output (so it turns the mp3 into a wav file), and... drumroll please... Windows Sound Recorder! :headbang:
outside looking in said:
I practiced for nearly two hours this evening getting ready for a performance Sunday for a piano teachers' convention.

I'm playing Clair de lune by Debussy, and it's giving me fits.

I'm not that accomplished of a player, and this is probably just a tad over my head, but I wanted to do something challenging. Well, I got what I asked for. :(

So, anyone else poke around at the keys like me? Musicians of any type?

Have you checked your fingering of the keys. Sometimes my fingers would hurt because the required fingering was a bit awkward, or not what I expected. Also, it could be the stretches in that piece are just using the fine muscles in new ways.

Try limbering the fingers before playing --- especially for extended periods of time. Starting with the little fingers, bend each separately, trying not to move but one finger at a time.