Anybody for rebuilding Mexico?


molṑn labé
Staff member
You guys trying to get invaded so you can finally get a President who can run things?

ZAPOPAN, Mexico - The Mexican crowd hooted "The Star-Spangled Banner." It booed U.S. goals. It chanted "Osama! Osama! Osama!" as U.S. players left the field with a 2-0 victory.

And that was in a game against Canada on Thursday before just 1,500 people.

No, they went to Brazil to make nuisances of themselves.

2nd American Jailed for Obscene Gesture in Brazil

Feb 7, 10:16 AM (ET)

SAO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) - The second American in a month was arrested while entering Brazil for making an obscene gesture while being photographed by an immigration official, police said on Saturday.
Federal police in Foz do Iguacu on Brazil's border with Argentina and Paraguay said retired U.S. banker Douglas Allan Skolnick, 56, was jailed overnight for flipping his middle finger in a photo now required to be taken of all U.S. tourists entering Brazil.

Brazil began fingerprinting and photographing Americans entering the country in January after the U.S. government imposed a similar process on foreigners, except for those from 27 mostly European countries.

"Mr. Skolnick went before the judge this morning and opted to take the public prosecutor's offer that he pay a 15,000 real fine ($5,000) to avoid prosecution," said officer Marcos Koren of the Foz do Iguacu federal police.

Skolnick, who came into Brazil on a charter flight with 91 other tourists -- mostly American -- from Chile on Friday, is being held in his hotel room under police guard until he pays the fine, said Koren. He will then be free to leave Brazil.

Skolnick declined to comment.

On Jan. 14, an American Airlines pilot was arrested upon entry into Brazil via Sao Paulo, after flipping his finger in a photo. American Airlines paid a fine nearly $13,000 to free the pilot.

People forget, when they leave our jurisdiction they aren't playing by the same rules.
Gonz said:
No, they went to Brazil to make nuisances of themselves.

People forget, when they leave our jurisdiction they aren't playing by the same rules.

Um...Those were OUR rules...Brazil just decided to treat us as we treat others....:disgust2:
Maybe you should drag your ass to the airport and flip the bird when they ask you to submit to their checks...Go ahead...we'll wait... :devious:
Squiggy said:
Um...Those were OUR rules...Brazil just decided to treat us as we treat others....:disgust2:

I think they're only our rules when being applied here. Same rule or not, if it's being applied in Brazil then foreigners (read: Americans) ought to be respectful enough to comply. Though, just an obsene gesture doesn't seem enough to warrent jailling... Either way, stupid Americans traveling abroad should always remember that there are other rules, customs, etc that should be regarded when travelling.

Of course, those idiots that flipped the bird in Brazil are probably still jackasses when they are in the US.
Careful Rose...we're hanging dissenters these days :D

"We" not being the USof A
Rose said:
I think they're only our rules when being applied here. Same rule or not, if it's being applied in Brazil then foreigners (read: Americans) ought to be respectful enough to comply. Though, just an obsene gesture doesn't seem enough to warrent jailling... Either way, stupid Americans traveling abroad should always remember that there are other rules, customs, etc that should be regarded when travelling.

Of course, those idiots that flipped the bird in Brazil are probably still jackasses when they are in the US.
Rose, in most countries annoying a police officer in any way will get you thrown in jail. Right now if not sooner.

Now see, here's one of those conservative things that Gonz doesn't think I should agree with. :)

That's the way it should be. If you argue with a police offcer or are disrespectful, you go downtown (in handcuffs if you argue too much) and straighten it out there. Maybe more people wouldn't waste a cop's time trying to talk their way out of a speeding ticket.
No one on the planet has the slightest shred of rights at any customs/border crossing. You can be molested and jailed for just having the wrong eye color if they desire to push it. Breathing out of turn can be construed as interfering with a public official... certainly the 'ol international gesture for 'were #1' is easily a jailable offense.
So who won the game? Never mind. I finally read the score.

And does anyone know if Canadians are included on the photo list for Brazil?