Anybody for rebuilding Mexico?

chcr said:
Now see, here's one of those conservative things that Gonz doesn't think I should agree with. :)

Nah, I've come to understand you almost know what you're talking about. Now, if only Squiggy could catch up ;)
Gonz said:
We jail tourists for giving the bird? I think not.

Dude, ya lock up girls who make jokes about carrying a bomb in their bags.......let them malinger in jail.....then force them to make apologies for the joke in a public court.....the apology and her face are then broadcast on national television.....then the judge relents and lets her go.

God help her if she flipped the official the bird. She'd prolly be walkin' to the electric chair.
Fucking A right. Bombs are not for fun anymore.

She hardly looks like Osama bin Laden. But now she faces a long time in jail waiting for a trial which is certain to be a farce.

This is really confusing. If we single out A-rabs, we're in trouble.
If we don't single out A-rabs, we're in trouble.

Could you people (not necessarilty only those at OTC) get together & get a set of rules drawn up. It sound to me like you're making then up as we go along.
Gonz...I have nothing against the security requirements in the current atmosphere of 'things'. What bothers me is the arrogance of Americans who say its ok for us to do it to them but not for them to do it to us. We started this by putting Brazil on a list that requires all travelers from that country to be finger printed. They do the same regarding us and we show them our contempt? WTF? Why can't you see anything wrong with that picture?
Because I'm not running their borders. It's not my country. I don't have anything at stake in Brazil. It's the job of the State Dept to bitch. They do it for us.

I'll tell ya what, when I've crossed borders I was as nice as could be. Even ours. Nothing blows a weekend more than pissing off a border guard.
Then why are you complaining that Brazil took action against these assholes? :shrug: We would do the same to them if they did it here.
You said we wouldn't jail them if they did that at our security check...You know damn well we would.
I'll stand by that. If some twit had the foolishness to give an American Border Patrol/Customs Agent the bird, they would not land in jail.

They would almost undoubtedly have thier trip slowed to a crawl & they may be held at the airport/other in a locked room while the offended went looking for a pencil sharpener but they would not land in jail.

The priority mission of Cutoms & Border Patrol is to prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States.This important mission calls for improved security at America's borders and ports of entry as well as for extending our zone of security beyond our physical borders - so that American borders are the last line of defense, not the first.

US Customs
So its your position that should some foriegn national disembark from a flight and show contempt when asked to submit to the security procedures, that he/she would not be locked down? You're dreaming....
S/He deserves to go to jail or be put right back on the return flight.

It happened in Brazil to a couple of idiot Americans. We're doing it to an idiot British national.

Giving the camera the bird &
show(ing) contempt when asked to submit to the security procedures
are not the same thing.
theyre not at all unless your the one dropping them apparently. and never assume. it makes an ass out of you and me.
freako104 said:
theyre not at all unless your the one dropping them apparently. and never assume. it makes an ass out of you and me.

Sorry, freako. Whether you use them or not, bombs are specifiically made to kill people. You're probably not old enough to remember the nuetron bomb. It was during the Carter administration (oh look, another example of there being no real difference between republcans and democrats). It killed the people but didn't damage the real estate. :shrug:

People forget, when they leave our jurisdiction they aren't playing by the same rules.

A lot of Americans don't forget it, they assume it doesn't apply to them ("I'm an American, you can't treat me like this."). That's the arrogance. I don't think most American travelers feel that way, but enough to give us a bad reputation. Think about it, do you remember the 20 people who were pleasant to you yesterday or the one asshole who pissed you off?
Professur said:
And does anyone know if Canadians are included on the photo list for Brazil?
I think not. I only heard about americans. Do you require photo/fingterprinting to enter Canada? if yes There's a good chance you may be included...