Anybody speak Slovene?


I looked all over the 'net for a Slovene-English dictionary, but couldn't find anything. Anybody know what in the world is being said here?

Vredu. Najlepsa vam, hvala.
Upam do bodo bolhe tisocega mazduh tvoja pazduha mrgolejo!

Thanks to anybody who can enlighten me.
I know hvala means "thank you."

That's about it. Try looking for a Serbo-Croat translation, might help. The languages are quite similar, almost dialects of one another.
Thanks for the tip Bobby! I'll try that.

Alright, scratch the second phrase. I just learned it means "I hope that the fleas from a thousand camels infest your armpits." Now I've been given this to translate:
Čas mini in počasi padem v norost.