Anyone else getting Yahoo errors?


Well-Known Member
I can't log in, check email or go to my yahoo pages. Something about server being reset. It's been about 4 hours now.
you may have been hacked.
I found out that's how they got me twice, was through yahoo.
I've since moved my sensitive data from there.:nerd:
They got me good.:grumpy:
What the email account hacked??!?

Interesting. It is my SPAM magnet, so I'm not horrible surprised but..

*piss2* YAHOO

If it is the case
I don't think that its my account per se... I don't have auto-login for Yahoo. Just trying to get to either the email login screen or the Signup screen gives me the same errors.
MrB, if you get errors even on the signup screen, it could be you, or yahoo.

When I got the "invalid" login thing, I had to call them.

Professur said:
I don't suppose you're using different passwords for you yahoo acc't and your forums, are you?

I've change everything myself. All maximum characters, and really scrambled.
There's NO WAY I could remember them all if I didn't have them documented.
I had Roboform, but I'm not sure about the security there, so it's all hard-copy now.:hmm:
Well...I can login to my yahoo. I can see that I have new messages, but I can't actually go to the email page. I can see my groups and have full access. I can use local settings for news etc. Pretty much everything 'cept email.
Maybe, if you're at work, you should call the sysadmin and find out. If your computer's infected with something, I'm sure he doesn't want to find out later.