Anyone else got tinnitus?


Well-Known Member
Well, i've got it. Really tormenting when there's no other sound. Like now.
*puts on some music*
Ah, that's better.
So how about you guys and gals? Any tinnitus for you?
Not personally *touch wood* but me dad suffers with it. It must be a right bastard to life with.
persistant ringing in your ears. i've got it. most of the time it isn't too bad. had it for so long that i hardly notice it anymore. i have to stay away for tylenol though as it makes it much worse.
(that's the American Tinnitus Association)

TIN-it-us or ti-NIGHT-us: which is correct?
Both pronunciations are correct! Tinnitus is the perception of ringing, hissing, or other sounds in the ears or head when no external sound is present. For some people, tinnitus is just a nuisance. For others, it is a life-altering condition. In the United States, an estimated 12 million people have tinnitus to a distressing degree.
Ive had it forever...Sounds like an electric transformer ...sometimes higher in pitch. The quieter the ambiance , the louder the hum...and aspirin and such do seem to kick it up a notch...
:eek: So that's what it is? And I'm really not just hearing things? When I was younger (junior high) I swear I could lay in bed late at night and hear the dot matrix printer just dotting and matrixing away up the hall. :s but it was never running and the house was quiet.

I just always try to brush it off as that I'm really hearing crickets, honest, or surely someone else hears that noise, too. The husband never seems to know what I'm talking about, though. :(

So, aspirin is something to stay away from? *notes* Sweeet! I didn't know.

Does this have any relation to the really really high pitch sound heard by some people when electronics are turned on/running (tv, monitor, etc)? Sometimes just turning on the tv can send me little head in a fit. :s But no one elese seems to notice it at home so I just try an' ignore it.
Aspirin and other blood thinners have an affect on mine. The sound is evidently caused by the blood flow through the inner ear....The shrill you hear from electronics would be more indicative of good hearing in that frequency range. They do sound quite similar to the tinitus though...On a bad night it sounds like I'm standing in the middle of a bunch of large electric supply transformers...:retard:
I hate it!!!

It took them forever to figure it out, why I needed music, some kin of sound so I could concentrate on my school work

and mine isn't that bad
Rose said:
Does this have any relation to the really really high pitch sound heard by some people when electronics are turned on/running (tv, monitor, etc)? Sometimes just turning on the tv can send me little head in a fit. :s But no one elese seems to notice it at home so I just try an' ignore it.

so i'm not crazy!! you hear it too!! it drives me nuts!! no one else i know hearsit, either :(
i have a swishswish noise when my eustation tubes (ear tubes) are blocked up. decongestant helps me.
My sound is kinda like the noise TVs make, only louder. When i switch a tv on, it becomes as loud as a scream or something... It's the main reson i don't watch TV. Bleh. Lucky me computer displays don't make that noise.
I'm deaf as a doorpost, which isn't always a blessing, because what do you turn to when you're ears are ringing, and you can't hear anything? :eek6: