Anyone ever buy a diamond online?

mine looked very similar to this one but had more detail and was new so not as aged looking as this one....
Cut? I see clarity, color, and carat... unless ideal/premium is modern code for a shape that I've never heard of.
Ideal/Premium refers to the cut. I'm not sure that includes polishing as well, but I suppose it depends on which certification agency you ask.
Its the light reflection and sparkle of it... I see. Then the extra question would be what shape of stone catches your fancy? round, princess, emerald...
Diamonds, Diamonds, diamonds..... I want diamonds! I want BIG diamonds! What does a girl have to do to get diamonds ?
Marry someone ...(rich, preferably ;p... oh, AND good looking )
Or rob a jewellery store:devious:

wonder which is really the better, easier, most advantageous.......

Robbing the jewellery store probably,... (and i'd get the real thing hah )

Ahhhhhh, it'd just take too much energy.

I want diamonds dammt!

Who wants to marry me and buy me diamonds ?

any offers? :winkkiss: