anyone have/had internet problems?


Well-Known Member
Anyone else experiencing/experienced slowdowns or complete downtime while on the internet tonight? (Saturday 1-2AM CDST)

I have talked to three people online who have experienced the problem. is timing out when searching, many many websites don't even load (microsoft, cnn, all my sites), and overall sluggish performance. Is there a new worm out or something? Root DNS's under attack?

I'm talking to a friend from Tulsa University who can't even resolve. IPs don't work either, but he can chat fine. Very very strange happenings. :confuse3:
I thought it was just here. Other sites were working fine for me but OTC was slow as shit....I just thought fury was tinkering...
It is slow in here too, it takes ages to get a DNS resolution. I thought it was just me.
Nope, connection problems confirmed in three states...

Called my ISP, there are notes on slowdowns, but no bulletins as far as whats going on. I'm refreshing my tech sites waiting for the info :D
Vulnerability Note VU#370308
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 contains denial-of-service vulnerability in SQL Server Resolution Service
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 contains a vulnerability that allows remote attackers to create a denial-of-service condition between two Microsoft SQL servers.
I. Description
The SQL Server Resolution Service (SSRS) was introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to provide referral services for multiple server instances running on the same machine. The service listens for requests on UDP port 1434 and returns the address and port number of the SQL server instance that provides access to the requested database.

In addition to providing referrals, the SSRS is capable of replying to "ping" messages from other SQL servers to confirm its presence on a network. When the service receives such a message, it replies to the transmitting host with an identical reply message. In normal operation, the SSRS service is responsible for replying to ping messages sent by an SQL Server and does not initiate them. However, an attacker can create a forged ping message to one instance of the SSRS (Victim A, port 1434) that appears to originate from another instance (Victim B, port 1434), causing Victim A and Victim B to continuously exchange messages. This cycle will continue to consume server and network resources until one of the servers stops sending packets for one of several reasons, including a restart of the SQL Server, a reboot of the server host, or a network failure.

II. Impact
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to initiate a denial-of-service attack between two affected servers


this was documented in a microsoft tech bulletin in June 2002 along with a patch to fix it.

I got slammed by hosting companies and .edu domains. I mean slammed. I couldn't even keep up with my router logs. Twas not cool.

UUNET seemed entirely down around 2 last night. Also looks like the worm took out 5 of the 13 root servers.
I don't know what you are all complaining about... I've been having disconnect problems with my cable modem recently but it has been working flawlessly for over 24 hours now without a disconnect (used to have 20 a day)...

I guess this worm must have fixed my problem. :bgtup:
well, that was fun.

allegedly it's expected to get worse again when everyone switches stuff on monday morning, but i can't see it now that the port is filtered all over the shop.

remember kids, there's no reason to have a database server directly on the internet
thanks mr. gates for another exciting weekend!

i used to think root servers were supposed to be impenetrable clustered beasts. they seem to drop like flies whenever things get shitty. A buddy and I have been throwing that theory around for years and now people have actually started doing it.
It took out several of our systems at BBY (including some of our oracle db's) saturday....most of our repair systems and ISP signup systems had come back by sunday morning though.

Had a few pricing problems today though....some of the Media stuff rang up as $0.00. :eek: