Anyone here....

Professur said:
If you're gonna do that, get a sheet of glass cut to fit to protect the top.
Or some hard plastic and a table cloth. I actually know where I'd put it too!
My parents got me the complete Donruss baseball card set for my 11th birthday (1992). Well, I later found out it was only the first third of it, after checking eBay. anyways, my parents showed it to me once then hid it from me so nothing would happen to the cards.

Actually, now that I think about it, I wonder where they are.
AlphaTroll said:
Maybe you could decopage (sp???) the toiletbowl with it? :shrug:
AH! But I have plans for that! I plan on painting the blue horseshoe that is the Colts symbol upon my toilet bowl. I'm not a fan.
tonksy said:
AH! But I have plans for that! I plan on painting the blue horseshoe that is the Colts symbol upon my toilet bowl. I'm not a fan.

*is completely clueless*

I suppose that would kinda be the same reasoning for Gonz painting Saddam Husein's face at the bottom of his bog?
AlphaTroll said:
*is completely clueless*

I suppose that would kinda be the same reasoning for Gonz painting Saddam Husein's face at the bottom of his bog?
Well...maybe. The Colt's are an American football team and are one of the teams that I actively dislike and unfortunately they're very good. I just found this a good way to show my distain and still stay within my decorating motiff.
The Colts are a football team, one she particularly dislikes.

She'll probably be glad to see in the playoffs when Peyton Manning's "when the going gets tough, the Mannings get... hey, wait, where did he go?" family gene rears its head.
Not entirely true, I quite like Eli Manning....Heck! I'd like Peyton if he wasn't a Colt.
*wanders off muttering something about shoulda been a Saint like his Daddy....
Now, y'see. There's the difference between men and wimmen. Men tend to accept porcelain as a finished piece. Sort of like a TV. Wimmen think that it's something who's colour should change with their moods.

I should note that Tonks has painted many things that Most Men wouldn't have. Including animals.