Anyone know how much an electrician charges these days?

Hmmm...All the wiring I ever pulled was through holes drilled into the studs. Staples were only attached to the wires about 1 foot or so above the sockets they went to. No biggie to remove those without mangling your drywall...Just a good jerk on the wire and the staple goes flying. ;)
I did it!!!

Didn't even have to cut any holes in the walls. There was an isolated outlet in the corner of the ketchen that was to blame. I went to plug the dishwasher into it and noticed the lights(where the problem was) blinking when i touched the outlet. Turns out power was getting to that outlet but not past it. I Removed the old outlet, cleaned the wires, put in a new outlet and everything worked. :)
Thanks for all the help people.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Don't fret, i tossed an old trout into a box and mailed it your way. Look for it in the mail mid december..

I'll keep an eye out for it, or a nostril rather... :p