anyone out there? helloooooooo?!


New Member
man i'm bored, here all by myself.

there were some guests here earlier but even they buggered off.

i'll have to entertain myself but i can't post nearly enough to pretend leslie and justintime were here, flood control would go ape :D

oh well, i suppose i could alway go into work....sigh
Pretty funny how on "lazy days" like Sat/Sun, this board is reletively dead, and then on weekdays when supposedly people have better things to do it goes crazy. :D

Yeah, you're always here. I'm beginning to think you're just a bot. :D

fury, can we get a change of bot please? This one's got some dodgy code. ;)

at work via the blood donation clinic [spur of moment, there was no-one in there and i've never given blud before]. at least the day will be interesting if i faint D
lol, ris = aer!

Hmm... a forum bot. I need to get me one of those! :D

It's actually a decent idea... would be fun to program, have it spit out AER type stuff all the time! A troll bot, yeah, that's the ticket. :headbang:
i try to say good story and tell you funny lol. but i am confused and you treat me like mean and makes me more confused lol i think i might be woman got market to go. lol i know you think i am woman but how you know if i am mean? lol

wat this? i am aer, lol caought you! haha.
i sell out all the ram to loser buyers! haha who is lughling now? am ia man? no woman? not sure lol, lol i don't know, maybe i go jump off a cliff, being a minority is bad, thing worse,lol i jest not :D lol, i alway have more ram, you alway hate me now you get none!
you are not alwayenougtram! :grumpy: you make fun of me i am have problems but i feel better lol. why i feel like woman i talk to people but confused but it not funny you pretend to be me lol but you will miss me when i am gone you know what i talking about not leave but gone lol.

I was wondering what you were referring to by AER... I love that guy, he's funny :headbang: