Anyone still happy they voted for this guy?


Well-Known Member
The latest. Get ready for panic buying.

Keyword: "Might."


Meat Industry Might Shut Down for Two Weeks


By Ashley Davis, Sun, February 10, 2013

On Friday, the White House warned that federal spending cuts could force the U.S. meat industry to shut down for two weeks or longer.

Spending cuts set to take effect on March 1 may lead to the two-week furlough of every U.S. meat and poultry inspector. Without inspectors, the industry would be shut down.

Meatpackers and processors are not allowed to ship beef, pork, lamb and poultry without an Agricultural Department inspection seal.

They also warned that the cuts could lead to effects on everyday life, while meatpackers said it would likely devastate the industry.

The "fiscal cliff" remains unresolved and has been delayed until March 1. With both sides disagreeing on it, many wonder if they will be able to set their differences aside and come together on a plan.

If they're unable to come to an agreement, the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service will have to furlough its employees. This would lead to the meat industry losing close to $10 billion in production.

Consumers would see an increase in meat prices, as a meat shortage would likely follow.

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said, "There is not much we can do when Congress says to cut every line item by a certain percent." The majority of spending at the meat safety agency is on employees.

Every year, the USDA spends $1 billion on meat safety. There are 8,400 inspectors at 6,290 slaughter and processing plants nationwide.

Livestock inspectors in Chicago, however, were skeptical of the White House warning.

Joseph Ocrant, a trader, is skeptical they will actually furlough inspectors for two weeks. "Can you imagine the flak?" he asked.

Meanwhile, the American Meat Institute said the USDA should have meat plants stay open while they are making the targeted cuts and avoid a mass furlough.

Source: Inquisitr
That's simply fuckin' hilarious

we don't need no steekin' inspectors to get our burgers
I say shut off everything in protest of all this stupid government interference
as if the day after the inspectors quit we'd all be killed by madcow hah

good post jim
I'm glad I know people who have chicken houses, and stocks of deer meat.
I'm not much on fish at all, but I have a decent stock of channel cats swimming around.
this ain't all on obummer. if your red-faced shithead R guys could come up with anything constructive this would not be happening.
ha ha ha yeah we are to blame yup that's a fact
Now it's Mitt's fault instead of Boosh?
meh, it seems the public at large has a fairly short memory on many things,
and the election is a while coming, so, playing the blame game does nothing.
No many people trust any of the news corps. anyway, or even watch,
so until or if it happens and how long it lasts would be a decider if
people start tuning in.
Until then it doesn't matter. (except to the people that are going to vote party anyway)
Just a conversation piece for those people.

These days, I'm not believing anything until I see it happening.
At least along these scare tactic type stories, and conspiracy theories.
We already know which ever side it is, there corruption from top to bottom is some or most.
The government isn't to blame the people are.
so have you heard back about your weapons permit yet?
nah dude that’s covered under the bestiality clause in the Gay marriage law, it’s right there next to the pedophilla section
these days with you Liberals everything goes
The government isn't to blame the people are.
so have you heard back about your weapons permit yet?
That's the way I see it, unless voter fraud can be proven.
It's always been that way all my life. What can you Prove.
nope nothing yet on the permit.
They said 4 to 6 weeks, and I'll be surprised if it's less than 3.
have you ever been adjudicated mentally incompetent? (perhaps while laid up/unconscious or otherwise stemming from this accident you had?)
I don't think so, although I was in ICU unconscious most of the time for a week,
but That's the first time I've even heard the terms that you refereed to, so I think not.
oh one thing is...
we're talking over 12 years ago now, so I don't know what laws may have changed,
but I don't think anything would be retroactive back to then.
oh also, I do remember, it took 3 years from 99-02 to get my disability, and I went through
3 psych exams, and was deemed fit. That's one thing that held me back from drawing.
oh one thing is...
we're talking over 12 years ago now, so I don't know what laws may have changed,
but I don't think anything would be retroactive back to then.
well, apparently Obama's new exec order IS retroactive.
I just got a letter from probate giving me 60 days to provide some kind of further
documentation, of traffic arrests I had back in '85, and '96, but it doesn't
specify what kind/or what info they want, so I'd probably have to get
a lawyer to translate, and investigate it all within 60 days, or I'll
have to go through the whole processes again after I get said info.
I'm chalking it up as a no-go.
No Executive Order has authority over state agencies...this is something else