Anyone using the RSS Feeds to keep up with OTC?


Well-Known Member
Found this and thouught to try it on my Google Homepage.

Works remarkably well
The administrator may have enabled RSS syndication, this allows you to view newly created threads in guest viewable forums without visiting the board.

The feeds are currently provided in two formats, RSS and RSS v2. The differences are as follows:

RSS 0.91 - This feed is based on a standard written by netscape and provides a link and the title of the thread.
RSS 2.0 - This feed contains title, author, date and the contents of the first post of the thread.
To add this to MyYahoo click here.

The forums to which this applies can also be limited to specific guest viewable forums by adding another parameter to the URL containing the forumids as follows:

If you would like the content to be generated for multiple forums you can seperate the forumids by commas.

I noticed that it doesn't update when I click on the live bookmark. Which is kinda crappy when I'm in a "who posted something" mood.
It'd be nice to setup a 'new posts' RSS... but since it's linked to a cookie (telling the browser which was the last viewed item#) ... it'd be tough to program, I'd guess. :p
Well, not that hard. I'm not asking for unread posts by me, just updates to the site.

What I mean is that if someone creates a new thread it won't appear on the rss feed after an hour or so.
Well, not that hard. I'm not asking for unread posts by me, just updates to the site.

What I mean is that if someone creates a new thread it won't appear on the rss feed after an hour or so.

It's in the setup for the rss feed (Under the admin section of vbulletin). Refresh rates, maximum number of threads posted outside, etc...

vbulletin options (pull down)
vbulletin options
external data provider (on right near the bottom of the list)

change the thread cutoff to 1 or 2
cached lifespan (I keep mine at 5 minutes...OTC's is probably set at 60 minutes..the automatic choice)

Have fun!