Anyone wanna make a Quake 3 server?


New Member
Lots of people have Quake 3 Arena, so if someone wants to make a server, we can all kill each other for a while. Mods/admin vs. members? :D
Why not UT? Because I don't have it. :(

I'd be willing to play it if you'll send me a copy... but that would be against our AUP to discuss that any further. If you would be willing to "help a guy out," email or ICQ me... ;)
UT server

I sorta admin a UT server... I did when I was in college, but since I left it's been turned over to some of my underclassmen friends.

It's running on a workstation that the school gave our organization (SAE) for CAD modeling! If they only knew... :cool:

It runs low grav Facing Worlds 24/7 (unless some bozo that doesn't know shuts it down for homework, but that's rare and for a short time). The players that play there are long time low grav face whores, been doing it for years, so they are good (as am I), some of them really good... good enough to stay in the top 50 or so for CTF rankings.

Anyway, IP is

Server speed is pretty good, and there's plenty of bandwidth for six players... sometimes we set it for eight.

If you see Bigus Dickus in the game, you better watch your back. ;)
I never played Q3 except for the Q3 test.

Is Q4 coming out anytime soon? I've been a UT whore for years, and am sweating waiting for UT2/U2/whatever they call it to come out.

Is it worth getting into Q3 now, or should I just wait for the next big one?
Q3 is okay, but I wouldn't spend your money on it if I was you. If you got broadband and ICQ, give me a buzz and I'll.... you know. ;) ;) ;)
Hmm... if it's just OK, then I'll proably stick with UT until UT2 or Q4 comes out (or Doom3).

Besides, my UT skillz are off a bit... I need to work back to the top 100 in CTF.