Anyone want to see my wedding ring?


New Member
These wedding plans keep getting better and better!

I'm having my engagement ring made, it is going to look like this but with a square princess-cut 2 carat Peridot as the center stone instead of a diamond:


This is what the Peridot (my birthstone) will look like in a princess cut:


And this is a picture of my hand tonight, wearing the actual wedding band we bought (all diamonds around with filigree edging like the engagement ring) and a peridot the shade that I'm getting:


And a closeup of the ring/stone:


We pick them up in TWO WEEKS!! Then Rusty needs to propose in some surprise-romantic-get-down-on-one-knee-kind-of-way... And I'll have to start getting used to calling him my fiance.

:dance: *does happy dance* :dance:
Thank you ladies!

Nix, do you mean the loose stone that's on my hand? Because the picture with the princess cut is just one I found online. The one on my hand was something that the jeweler already had, among some others. I was glad they had a few because Peridot can be very dark, almost emerald-like or very light, a yellow-green, depending on where it was mined from. I wanted something in the middle, and it just so happened they had one.

I'm a little worried though to be honest. All the rings I've ever had in my life, I've lost. I take them off to wash my hands, to shower, to sleep and I forget about them. At home, it's not an issue but the washing of the hands thing is where it always gets me.

The cheapo green ring I've been wearing on my left ring finger for a month or so was left on the counter at the jewelers last night. I have to call them today and make sure they put it aside for me. I'm so afraid I'm going to do the same thing with the engagement/wedding rings. :(
Oh and Rusty kept at me about getting a diamond. He said, are you SURE you don't want a diamond? So I smiled, asked the jeweler to show me a 2 carat princess cut diamond. Rusty really liked it. I asked them for the price of the diamond alone. (it was a "G" rated diamond from GIS). Rusty almost fell on the floor. It was four times the amount we paid for all three rings.

Needless to say, Rusty is now 100% behind my decision to go Peridot. :laugh:
Very nice. The way I've kept track of mine has worked for 7 years. It's very simple. I only take it off to shower or when I'm working with my hands. While in the shower, it sits on the counter, where I can see it getting out. While working, it's with the tools, prominently displayed. As soon as I'm done, it goes back on.

Haven't lost it yet.
Thanks Steve. My only concern with that is the detergent in hand soaps affecting the ring or the stone. Obviously, a Peridot is not as strong as a diamond. Or maybe I'm worrying for nothing; that detergents won't do anything to it.

Another question for my jeweler I think.
I got a family ring and one of the stones exploded/crumbled after I did dishes. We yelled in the store (in the middle of a mall) till he replaced it to get rid of us. I think that was just a crap jeweler with crap goods though, you should be ok if it was a good jeweler. White gold can be affected by detergents, but not gold or sterling silver afaik. Mind you, mine was white gold and it lived through bleach, dishes, laundry, and all kinds of crap.
The pictures of the wedding band don't show up anymore because like an idiot, I mistakenly removed them from my web server. I'll have to upload them again when I get home, sorry.

Leslie, I just asked my friend who is close to being a jewelry expert and she said the only concern about not taking off the rings when washing my hands is getting soap film inside the scrollwork of the ring. It can be washed off (delicately with a soft toothbrush) but it might cause irritation on my finger. Other than that, the ring should stand up to whatever.

It is white gold, so I'm expecting that it will dull over time. But this guy gives a five-year warranty so I can bring it back if the prongs are loose, to be dipped, cleaned, etc free of charge.
aaaah the pictures were taken AT the jewelers :D see, I was thinking it was at home...and I was like "she just had that stone laying around?!"
Rusty's picking them up Sunday. He gave me a hint about the proposal. We're going into the city for it.

I'm SO excited. :D
Well, he did it. And boy did he do it well. :D

When I woke up yesterday, he asked me what my plans were for the day and I told him and he said, sorry you can't. We're going into the city. But he wouldn't tell me yet about all the surprises he had in store.

So we took the train to Penn, took the subway to Central Park. But instead of going into the park, we waited on the corner and boarded a horse drawn carraige instead. I always wanted to take a carraige ride through the park and he remembered. Then we walked through the park a little, to Wollman Rink, strolled through the Mall, and arrived at my favorite place in the whole park, Bethesda Terrace. It's my favorite part mostly because of the Angel of the Waters fountain. I never miss an opportunity to photograph her.

So we sat down and while I was gazing up at the fountain, Rusty was rummaging through the bag that he brought with us (that I wasn't allowed to look in). I turned to find him kneeling before me and he read me a poem he had written for me and asked me to marry him. As I teared up, he opened the ring box and slipped the ring on my finger. And oh my lord, what a ring!



I thought the ring was going to be smaller but it's growing on me. :D

The surprises didn't end there. We walked through the park and went to my favorite cafe (Cafe Lalo) and had some hot cocoa with whipped cream. We hung out there for a while, and he still wouldn't tell me about the other surprises... We headed over to 'Cesca, a northern italian restaurant that he had heard good things about. The place was perfect; the table was cozy, roomy, the restaurant was quite, dark, romantic and the food was out of this world. Easily the best pasta I've ever had. So we got a little drunk, ate too much, the waiter brought us over some complimentary dessert wine so we could toast to our engagement. I figured that was the end of the night and we would be on our way to the train. I figured wrong.

Rusty hailed a cab and we stopped in front of the Bryant Park Hotel. We checked in and went up to our room on the 11th floor. The first thing I noticed was that it was a suite, not a room. And that we were on the corner of the building and had a beautiful view of Bryant Park and the ice-skating rink. Then I noticed that he had my favorite flowers (lilies) delivered to the room and all sorts of other romantic goodies that I will keep to myself. Suffice to say, we had a wonderful evening.

We woke up this morning, ate our breakfast in our robes, relaxed for a while enjoying the view. He even packed our toiletries and changes of clothes for us. He didn't miss a detail. :)

I just got off the phone with my Mom, telling her about our weekend. She's very impressed and Rusty is very relieved that it lived up to my expectations. I told him that him the proposal in front of the fountain would have been enough. ;)
sounds like a great day Trish.
the ring is beautiful.
congrats on the official engagement. :D