AOL question


Staff member if a person has AOL as an there any reason they can't use IE or Netscape as a browser instead of the AOL crap?

my friend is asking how to questions all the time...and I have NO freaking idea what she's describing when she says what she sees - I saw AOL once and once only, at which time I went :eek13: and WTFFFFFFF is this??!! !!!!! so I thought maybe...if I could teach her how to use IE then my problem would be solved anyway?


help me? save me? :crying3:
If you've ever tried to install Netscape ,AOL instant messenger tries to install itself ,so I really can't see why not. In fact I believe AOL biught out Netscape.
AFAIK, you can use any browser once you've connected with AOL, at least that's how it was way back in the day.
w00t!! :dance:

I've spent the last couple weeks banging my head on my desk. It's not all aol, I spent 4 hours the other night talkin her through a Kazaa download :banghead:

but this will be soooooooooooooooo better!!! thanks! :D