Apache, and Perl on server 2003


Well-Known Member
I've setup a testing server with windows 2003 corp-server.
IIS not enabled because I wanted to use Apache.
I've successfully setup apache with php, and mysql.
I've installed ActivePerl, but I must not have it configured
right or something.
It is working somewhat though.
I get an error in the log "couldn't spawn child process"
with the famous 500 error on the web page.

I think I have the path part right, or I'd get a different error, I think...
Anybody got any ideas on the problem?
I'm not a perl guy, but i've heard something about 2 ways of installing it, one is to install apache and then perl, and the other way is to install a compiled version of apache with an already installed perl system.

Also, from what i've heard you get a far better performance using the 2nd choice.

Not of much help, but that's all i know about it.
Well I thought it might have something to do with ActivePerl,
so I just tried mod_perl, and it does the same thing.
I'm running Apache 1. I might try ver. 2. It might work
better with 2003 server, which I think is where the main
problem may be. (too much security on 2003)
well I just tried apache 2, and had the same results.
It's been 2 days now, and probably 1000 different configurations,
so I guess I try windows 98 tomorrow, and if I can't get it
to work with that, I'll switch to Red Hat I guess.. :shrug:
I hear ya.
The main reason is because I get to play with some cool softwarfrom MS
because I do a lot of testing for them. :D

I finally got the installation, and paths correct, and got it working with 2003 server just now. ;)

I'm betting it would have been a hell of alot easier in Linux though.
It was last time. (about 2 years ago.) ;)
catocom said:
I'm betting it would have been a hell of alot easier in Linux though.
It was last time. (about 2 years ago.) ;)
five minutes........fifteen if you count the format/install....;)
well after 2 days of trying to setup, (and make it run right) on linux
(mandrake 9.2) its seems almost as much of a task to get perl to work
right on it. ( maybe complicating this by tring to install too many
programs. I may try cutting out some of the packaging, like
Lisa, and winbind. :shrug:

I'm still plugging along with it though.
I may try a Debian distro soon. :shrug:
tommyj27 said:
isn't perl included in the default mdk install?

yep if you choose the option to install a web server.
I installed it all 5 times. It's getting the network, paths, and permissions
set just right that's the thing.

Also I was trying to do the "expert" setup and individual package
selection, setup, and apparently I'm Not an expert. :D

I think I finally got it all configured right.
with the perl/cgi, php, and lan working.

I think it's supposed to have mod_asp there too, but that's
a whole nother story. :p

now I can really get into some perl/cgi coding. :cool: