APB: Two sick puppies

Now, now.. a little cultural sensitivity here. Its traditional for Haitains to drug their kids. They should be given the international medal of freedom for promoting cultural values... and given some cash or somesuch... perhaps a plane ticket back to Haiti.
Strap them down and feed them pure vodka not stop. no bathroom break, no vomiting allowed. Fucken pieces of shit!
They need to be killed. They killed their child, they should have known the dangers of what they were doing. Let them die
I can't believe they used vodka. A nice peach Schnapps would've been a better choice. At least it's sweet. Even the best vodka tastes like kerosene...

Poor child...
Trying to establish their frame of mind... they treated their daughter more like a pet or an inconvenience rather than a child.

It's inexcuseable!
MrBishop said:
Trying to establish their frame of mind... they treated their daughter more like a pet or an inconvenience rather than a child.

It's inexcuseable!

I can give you the frame of mind, but you wouldn't accept it...
MrBishop said:
Try me...

Mom is trying to get the baby to sleep and, without success, decides a little flavoring is in order, so she puts some vodka in the babies water. The kid is still crying, and mom is frantic, so she adds a bit more. Meanwhile, dad has arrived and takes over holding the baby. Not knowing about mom's vodka, he adds some as well. Now, instead of water with a little vodka, the kid has vodka, with a little water. Now, if its rotgut vodka, it tastes terrible, so the kid is going to scream even more. Viscious cycle with no intelligence behind it.
I'd agree if it was the first time...but the autopsy showed signs of long-term abuse (if a 3 month old could be said to have anything long-term).

More like a case of 'it worked once and the kid seems OK...let's do it again..and again..and again'
MrBishop said:
I'd agree if it was the first time...but the autopsy showed signs of long-term abuse (if a 3 month old could be said to have anything long-term).

More like a case of 'it worked once and the kid seems OK...let's do it again..and again..and again'

Didn't read that part...
Gato_Solo said:
Didn't read that part...
It actually said "According to a police report, the final autopsy showed that the child had been fed fatal doses of alcohol shortly before her death and her liver indicated severe buildup of excess fat due to alcohol consumption."

Fat accumulation in the liver due to consumption happens after repeated abuse
MrBishop said:
It actually said "According to a police report, the final autopsy showed that the child had been fed fatal doses of alcohol shortly before her death and her liver indicated severe buildup of excess fat due to alcohol consumption."

Fat accumulation in the liver due to consumption happens after repeated abuse

So the kid was perpetually between the stages of drunk and hung over for most of her short life?
Gato_Solo said:
So the kid was perpetually between the stages of drunk and hung over for most of her short life?
The parents admitted to about 1 month's worth of treatment... but, yeah... drunk or dehydrated and suffering from a hangover.

Great parenting choices, eh?

MIAMI - A Florida couple accused of feeding their 3-month-old baby a lethal dose of vodka to quiet her surrendered to police in New Jersey Thursday after detectives tracked down a cell phone number and persuaded them to turn themselves in, officials said.

Mardala Derival and Mackenson Dantus were charged with aggravated manslaughter in the 2004 death of their daughter, Makeisha, who an autopsy found had a blood-alcohol level of 0.47 and severe liver damage when she died.

Derival, 22, and Dantus, 25, were awaiting extradition to Florida. It wasn’t clear if they had an attorney who could comment Thursday night.

“We spoke to them for an extended period of time and convinced them that they needed to turn themselves in,” said Elizabeth Calzadilla-Fiallo, a Broward County, Fla., Sheriff’s spokeswoman. “Our fugitive squad detectives did a good job of convincing them that this was the best thing for everyone involved.”

Officials contacted the two after getting Dantus’ cell phone number from a relative.

The couple initially told police they had been giving their daughter a bottle filled with a mixture of alcohol and water to help her sleep.

Equivalent of 18 beers
According to a police report, the autopsy showed the child had been fed fatal doses of alcohol shortly before her death and her liver indicated severe buildup of excess fat due to alcohol consumption.

Former Broward County Medical Examiner Dr. Ronald Wright said that for a baby to ingest enough alcohol to reach 0.47 would be the equivalent of a 160-pound adult drinking 18 beers.

The couple had no record of previous abuse allegations, said Dr. Michael Haney, whose team investigates child abuse deaths for the state Department of Health.