aplogies to leslie and justin, but...


New Member
we were yapping earlier and my comp went mental

like all the open windows were fighting to play at once, i could vaguely see a mouse through the frantic flicker and had to hard-boot

now i can't get into win2k at all, it brings up blue stop errors, usually about vetmonnt.sys, which was my virus scanner [ipe]

if anyone has any idea about how to get it back then i'm listening )

i've tried safe mode, logging mode, booting to cd, all of them fail, mainly because it does a drive scan and my bad sectored partition craps it out mad2

my apologies for disappearing so abruptly to you both, i just wish i knew why (
thanks leslie, i'm feeling pretty pissed on over here. since sunday it seems that everything possible is in my way for getting a job, now i can't even write a damn letter :(
dude.about all i can say is, if you don't wanna lose the info, hew hdd, install win 2k, slave it and pull information, log in as admin and take ownership of all the files on the slave disk :(
cheers justin, i'll be back for more on that :)

i'm currently waiting the slow wait of a man watching an online virus scanner get ready to scan 15gb of stuff, on dialup :)

i was supposed to go to london tomorrow for the weekend, i think that might be out now
no, the old one still, i kinda hoped i could get until monday, after i had printed some cv's, letters and done some website [been working it all day].

i've saved all the recent stuff onto cd from win98se just now, on monday i burned off my entire hdd, i got 25 cd's on my desk with home and work on them.
yup, 15 are my hdd here, and that's just storage, i had to go and sweep for email, addy books, favourites etc just now.
cheers, i got the 40gb seagate on tuesday but haven't had time to install it.

i'm really hoping i've not got a virus [i hope trends on-line thing is good] so i can copy stuff straight over, rahter than off cd's with their damn annoying 'read-only' checkbox
i need to get a new one since ipe ran out last month, keep forgetting. i didn't get on with norton that well, but it was a cheapo bundled norton works thing on win98fe :eek:
well, according to trend i have no viruses, which cheers me up a bit, assuming that the scanner is up to date :)
*cough* i have no idea what you mean *cough* ;)

i can get mcafee free from work, but it's never impressed me greatly.