Are just words enough, is it possible to have a relationship without the touch?

I was also positive that he say me as his gf but I just asked to hear him say it...
When my Dad was in the army and away in Shajah, Cyprus and Northern Ireland, he and my mum used to write to each other all the time and they would ring long distance as often as they could. We always used to know exactly what he was doing because his letters came so frequently. He would go for 6 months at a time usually.

Also when he went away on battle excercises they used to have family days where we could all go and see them in camp, have a buffet lunch under canvas and ride on the tanks and personnel carriers across the ranges at Zenalager (wrong spelling) in Germany. That was fun! :D
Shadowfax said:
it depends on how long you've been together in the first place. trust isn't earned in a day or 2.

sorry i should have been more clear. what i meant was if you have the trust it can work. its not earned in a day or two as you said but i didnt say that either :) its more if you can trust the person your with and they can trust you.
Nixy said:
Q: Last night I asked him what I am to him and he said "My girlfriend". We have not SAID specifically that we are exclusive but I am positive we are. Just the way he says things, etc.
Ok, good. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't out trolloping around while you were being loyal.
It would take a long, long while to expand on it enough to do it justice .. and hopefully a nice bottle of wine.

A short nibble would be: yes, it is possible if the two within the relationship were together at one point ... such as sweethearts who would be separated by long intervals by such thing as one of them being deployed for overseas military duties or a business opportunity. Their relationship is already cemented and should endure so long as the wayward one intends to come home.. or draw the other to where they are.

Relationships based upon no contact that start up from different worlds are much harder to maintain. Your knowledge of their universe only extends as far as they see fit to divulge. You know what is in their heart... but not what is in their world. Its an incomplete picture that the mnd tends to flesh out with bits and pieces of desires. For the most part, such assumptions are generally incorrect and can lead a little shock when they meet. Its not always bad, mind you... just different. It can lead one to doubt on other aspects of what they know or assume of each other. Sometimes its good and leads to pleasantness. Its all a giant grab bag.

just a nibble... I could prattle on all night.
Then "prattle on" Unc....

...that tract was gonna get deep, I could tell....

it'd be good...

I'd shoot you a bottle or three of two buck Chuck...but I believe you were looking for GOOD wine...

I was looking for a good wine ... but more to drown my sorrows over Dans passing that any kind of tongue loosening libation. I'm in the mood for a pinot noir or overly rich bordeaux, but simply hate drinking alone. I went out for a 4 mile hike to clear my head and make the body weary enough for sleep instead. I think I shall save the wine for a good old fashioned weekender mind erasing exercise.
Yeah...I kinda gathered bits and pieces of that story. Im a new member, so I didn't know, I don't deal with death that way is far less healthy...

....still....way sad for those who did.

Shit happens and there's just no way around it. The world is a strange place, with even stranger people....but maybe in this case there is rejoicing in what that guy gave small or large measure...

...cliche, I know....but it beats NEVER having known him, I bet... for wine..I'm in CA. which for at least a few years has been kicking the crap out of France as wines go...

....I presume you're acquainted with this state's contribution to the lineup...

