Are ya afraid to be "frail"?


New Member
Yeah, me too.............its one of my many faults....

(this is another one of those, short-lived, introspective type threads) bear with.......

Why is it, we're all, so often afraid to jus' be...............frail?

........without quick wit, without the ability to give comfort to another, without all the 'right' answers, without the 'appearence' of strength, without resource, without the appearance of bein' 'right' or justified, in given circumstances....... jus' be broken, jars of clay, that we truely are.

I'm really thankful for the friends in my life who are able to be so 'real', so..........."frail".

In some small way, they've given me the ability to live a life, much more free........when I choose to follow their example

i'm not affraid to be "frail", even thou, i try not to show it to everybody who doesn't know me or are just getting to know me.
Humans aren't perfect and shouldn't expect to be. Yet, in this day and age, businesses expect 110% performance out of their employees, people expect 110% satisfaction with services/goods received through those businesses, and those businesses and people get disappointed when those expectations are not met. Because of this, and the fact that many businesses will lay you off at the drop of a hat, I think we've all come to fear imperfection and stress ourselves past the limit (say, 110%), because we are afraid to appear as anything less than perfect.

To answer your question directly, yes I am a bit afraid to be frail. After all, I'm still fresh off the shelves of the unemployed human race and have already been placed in the responsible position of running a computer store by myself at least 22 hours a week. Of course I'm going to make mistakes, I'm just afraid that if I make too many, I'll be fired.
Fear cuases us to propigate an illusion of false strength or extreme independence. Not only because many pray on the weak, but what we 'don't care about' can't hurt us. For example many people(men) won't ever build relationships because they fear getting hurt and yet they'll build this facad that they're just loners/tough guys. Women do this also but differently then men.

Fear is a destroyer of personality, for through it no one can know us for who we truly are.
Sorry, sometimes the truth is cheesy
but it's still the truth.
"the weak" are looked down upon and taken advantage of by "the strong". It's dog eat dog out there. Like what fury was saying about business, if you are perceived as weak, you won't be as successful as if you are perceived as strong. Partly because people tend not to challenge a stong person (unless they are also a strong person and threatened by them) and partly because they equate doing a good job with strength.

I know a guy who knows very very little, it's blatantly obvious, everyone knows it and he's lazy to boot. But he will challenge anyone who dares to call him on it, and will fight to the death and make treats. He's been in the same job for years and years and he usually gets whatever he wants. Because he's like an attack dog.
I had to think about this one for a while, because honestly, it has never crossed my mind. I guess I will be frail someday, and I'll deal with that when it happens. Couldn't really say I was afraid of it.
I don't have fear to expose that. I wonder sometimes if I don't look like that too much. I don't think women like guys who appear to be frail...
AlladinSane said:
I don't have fear to expose that. I wonder sometimes if I don't look like that too much. I don't think women like guys who appear to be frail...

Even if they say they do, trust me, they don't.
There is one person in my life that I will cry with, and expose my deepest darkest secrets to, but that is it. The rest of the time, I am a "MAN" and I can't afford to let my guard down. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

btw, Thank you dear.
AlladinSane said:
I don't think women like guys who appear to be frail...

Some girls don't, but I can tell you this. Girls appreciate a guy that can be honest. You can be strong on the outside, and still have fears on the inside. Just be wary, and this goes both ways ladies, so don't rip me apart for it. If you expose your weak side to some women, they will use it, every time they get pissed, they will know where your weak side is and use it to their full advantage.
PuterTutor said:
every time they get pissed, they will know where your weak side is and use it to their full advantage.

yeah, been there, done that, backfired, end of relationship.

Luis G said:
Even if they say they do, trust me, they don't.
Yep, I agree on that buddy :)

PuterTutor said:
There is one person in my life that I will cry with, and expose my deepest darkest secrets to, but that is it. The rest of the time, I am a "MAN" and I can't afford to let my guard down. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.
And what would be this guard? I don't think I have something that could be used against myself(at least I can't think of anything now). It's just that I have some kind of empathy(rw?), an above the average ability to undesrtand people's feelings, to put myself in their place. I sometimes think women believe that to be a female feature and therefore improper for a male to have :shrug:
AlladinSane said:
I don't think women like guys who appear to be frail...

the ones i know do. my friend AJ said it takes more of a man to cry. :shrug: depends on the girl really. but pt is right they do like an honest one
a group of girls go into a 5 floors hotel that claims to be only for women.

the receptionist tell them to go search the 5 floors and when they find the one they want to came back and check in.

the girls proceed and go to the first floor, a sign reads:

here every man sucks making love, but they are very sensitive and kind, the girls laughed and went to the next floor.

here men are great lovers, the best, but they don't treat women nice, this is not acceptable to them, so they went to the next floor.

in here, every men are excelente lovers and are sensitive to women's needs, wow they said, but there's still 2 floors left.

they reach the 4th one, and the sign reads
here all men have perfect bodies, very sensitive, tender and nice to women, they are perfect lovers, all of them are single, very rich and willing to marry, girls were shocked by now, but still they choose to go to the 5th floor.

the sign there reads:
there are no men here, this floor was built only to prove that it is impossible to please the fucking women