Are ya afraid to be "frail"?

AlladinSane said:
And how's the guy she's with?

ive only met Jackyl a few times but he seems really cool he really cares about her but i dont know much more than that

:lol: :rofl2: @ luis
Luis G said:
PuterTutor said:
every time they get pissed, they will know where your weak side is and use it to their full advantage.

yeah, been there, done that, backfired, end of relationship.


Was that before or after you cheated on her? ;)

wasn't gonna say that but then I read your joke :p
I'm not afraid of becoming frail. But decrepid, demented, or defective ... well, let's just say that my plans are already in effect to make those a short term situation.
Frail, to me, denotes breakable, weak or simply, fragile. I've never had time for that. I was the one who called it & he saw it, from a very young age. When problems occur, guess who gets the call. When things are fine, guess who gets ignored "because we don't have to worry about you". It worked fine because I perferred solitude or my friends to family.

After I got married & had a son, nothing has changed with my family. However, I got thrust into the same role with my wife's family. She's the uniter, I'm the problem solver. My dad & stepdad are dead, her dad is "frail" so I've become the father figure in 3 families. Mine, my moms & my wifes. It helps being an emotional cripple. :D

Frailty is fine, step aside, I'll take care of business.
PuterTutor said:
AlladinSane said:
I don't think women like guys who appear to be frail...

Some girls don't, but I can tell you this. Girls appreciate a guy that can be honest. You can be strong on the outside, and still have fears on the inside. Just be wary, and this goes both ways ladies, so don't rip me apart for it. If you expose your weak side to some women, they will use it, every time they get pissed, they will know where your weak side is and use it to their full advantage.

Most women don't turn into bitches on their own - it usally takes an unfaithful bloke to do that..... not necessarily you though. People have a habit of repeating the same mistakes in relationships over and over again...

Luis G said:
greenfreak said:
Was that before or after you cheated on her?

wasn't gonna say that but then I read your joke

she never knew

If you know someone well you don't need to be told that something is going on, you can usually tell by a change in behaviour, unless you're too busy or distracted by something else to notice.
yes, i know that aunty, i broke up with her before she could notice (2 days after), but i never told her i cheated.