Are ya content with the age ya are?


New Member
Used to be, as a child, I couldn't wait be a "grown-up", then I lamented the passin' of my twenties..............

Now I've been given the privilage to walk this Earth in my mid-thirties.

Got a friend who is fifty, (though folks never guess that), an' he doesn't care.

We both feel, we'd never wanna go back to the "younger" days we had, an' I'm jus' glad to have the perspective I have now vs the one I had 10 or 15 yrs. ago, yet seems so many folks are not content jus' to be where they are on this 'journey', we call life.

Sure my body is not old enough to be considered, by most, to be as good as dead, but even still I wonder whether the majority of folk here are privately, personally "content" with the stage of life they've been allowed to experience, an' the perspective it has brought ya.:)
cool question. And I honestly would have to think long and hard about my answer to it. :) Might reply later.
i'm gettin' old and age doesn't really matter to me anymore
Q said:
I wouldn't mind not creaking when I get up in the morning

Good point Q!

Funny how the body's continuing falter, can have such a profound effect on our ability to appreciate the benefits that our years' perspective affords.

Still, would ya rather go back?
Hear, hear....My physical condition, having deteriorated substantially in the last few years, has made accepting my age a little harder to do....

just ignore people telling you that

As for creaking bones, I'd rather not live to be old enought to get that far
I'm very content with my age.
Hell no, heeell no, I wouldn't go back.
It took me forever to get Here.:D
I want to be older... at least a day older, anyway. Every day I wake up and I say to myself, "gee, I'd like to be a day older..."
Yes, i'm very happy with my age.

Although, i lived something similar to you (75ren), when i was a child i didn't like it. In fact i kind of hated it. I hated the fact that whenever you said something it wasn't taken serious and everybody just said "he's just a child". I wasn't asking to be an adult, but at least be treated as a person.

Ohhh, well, thins are very different now.