Are you easily offended?

Should mods lock stuff when they´re bored?

  • No, use the freaking Warning levels...that´s why we have them.

    Votes: 15 100.0%
  • Yes, mods should randomly lock stuff when they are bored.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Screw it, anything is liable to happens when they forget the morning meds

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by ris
they did try a path of terrorist attacks in the 1970s, but were spectacularly poor, i'm not even sure if they were successful. even in wales they are seen as rather a joke.

Would that the IRA had been as inept, then.

the free wales army are the right-wing extemists of welsh politics.

I never know what leftists mean by the expression "right-wing extremists." They tend to lump anyone who doesn't agree with them into the "right-wing" category, whether it's a national socialist, a religious conservative or a laissez-faire capitalist. Could you be more specific?
i'm not a lefty by my terms, if i do have a political spectrum i'm central [uk version], which is left of your centre i believe.

in terms of the welsh right-wing extremists they want a wales that is de-anglicised, returned to welsh control, independant. they want a wales for welsh people, no immigrant english.
they want to strongly control entry to the country to those not of wales, an isolationist country.

plaid aren't too bad, they are strongly conservative, although some of the rhetoric used has been verging on racist.
Originally posted by ris
i'm not a lefty by my terms, if i do have a political spectrum i'm central [uk version], which is left of your centre i believe.

I consider laissez-faire capitalism to be the true right-wing. The national socialists, religious conservatives and other groups that get called rightists are socialist to some degree. They don't believe fully in individual rights, if at all. They typically endorse some degree of government interference in the economy, and always with personal freedom. To put one form of tyranny on one end of the spectrum, and another form on the other end, seems to me to short-change freedom altogether.

in terms of the welsh right-wing extremists they want a wales that is de-anglicised, returned to welsh control, independant. they want a wales for welsh people, no immigrant english.
they want to strongly control entry to the country to those not of wales, an isolationist country.

They sound very nationalistic and race-conscious. Perhaps we could loan them Pat Buchanan. I think we're done with him.
welsh nationalism is on the rise, i 'm happy for it to be as long their national identity is not shaped or defined by the hatred or exclusion of others.

a negatively defined identity would be a sad thing given the wealth of good things they can identify themselves with. literature, poetry, music, language, history, all these are better and greater.

how much is a used pat buchanan worth these days? part excahge even? :)
Originally posted by ris
welsh nationalism is on the rise, i 'm happy for it to be as long their national identity is not shaped or defined by the hatred or exclusion of others.

I hope it's not too strong. I worry about Britain being balkanized.

a negatively defined identity would be a sad thing given the wealth of good things they can identify themselves with. literature, poetry, music, language, history, all these are better and greater.

I dunno. Better than that is to identify yourself with a set of ideals which are able to unite people of all cultures as individuals.

how much is a used pat buchanan worth these days? part excahge even? :)

Ah, geez. We'd pay you to take him...
no chance of britain be balkanised, i suspect that scotland will probably end up with a further seperate form of independance, under the european umbrella.
there are those in wales who would like that too, but i don't think that the referendum that would be held would be won, if the devolution vote was anything to go by.
Originally posted by ris
there are those in wales who would like that too, but i don't think that the referendum that would be held would be won

I've talked to the other Americans, and as our contribution to the renaissance of Welsh culture, we're going to send back Tom Jones.
Originally posted by Ardsgaine
I've talked to the other Americans, and as our contribution to the renaissance of Welsh culture, we're going to send back Tom Jones.

oh no you don't! I absophreakinglutely LOOOOVE Tom Jones! what's new pussycat .. whoa whoa whoa ...
pussycat pussycat I love you ... yes I do ...

and no, I'm not joking .. I love Tom Jones ... :)
i don't suppose we could part exchange him for charlotte church? that little bint really pisses me off, damn pop singers....
Originally posted by nalani
oh no you don't! I absophreakinglutely LOOOOVE Tom Jones! what's new pussycat .. whoa whoa whoa ...
pussycat pussycat I love you ... yes I do ...

and no, I'm not joking .. I love Tom Jones ... :)

Oh, my... I'm so, so sorry. And here I was beginning to respect you...

Many, many years ago my best friend's mother used to drive us to school every morning. She had an eight-track tape of Tom Jones, and her daily trek took her through a complete cycle of the tape, so every morning I got to hear:

Say you'll stay until tomoroooow,
I can't face the night alone.
Though I know it's over and we're through
Say you'll stay until tomorrow, I love you.

::wretching violently::

I conceived a violent hatred of the man, which I've nourished ever since, so back to Wales with him!!

(Besides, I said I consulted the other Americans , not Hawiians .) ;)
Originally posted by Ardsgaine
Oh, my... I'm so, so sorry. And here I was beginning to respect you...
say what you will, I love man .. and after all these years, he's still extremely sexy ... he's one of those men who improve with age .. like Sean Connery *wipes the drool rolling down my chin*


(Besides, I said I consulted the other Americans , not Hawiians .) ;)

oohh .. point taken .. good form, Ardsgaine .. good form, indeed

That Natalie Portman thread got locked?! :eek:

nalani, so do you actually think Sean Connery will improve from now on? Seems unlikely to me... :D
Originally posted by insert penis here
nalani, so do you actually think Sean Connery will improve from now on? Seems unlikely to me... :D

where Sean is concerned, I find that anything is possible ;)