Are You Feelin' the Healin'?

From Drudge:

Edwards: 'When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk. Get up out of that wheelchair and walk again'...

That's one hell of a campaign promise.

They will say ANYTHING to get elected.

Now Kerry is the Messiah. Reporting for duty. Cast a vote for Kerry and be HEALED. He will cure ALL of your ills. Can I get a "hallelujah" my sisters and my brothers? I served in Viet Nam, and I can raise the dead.

Kerry/Edwards are spreading false hope that a cure for paralysis would occur when Kerry is elected.

Exploiting misery for gain.

Something Edwards feels right at home with.
I don't agree with GWs police(s) on stem cell research, but this is
just despicable.
It was just Reeves time.
Even if GW had opened the research wide open, it would Not have save Chris.
ALL the scientists that I've heard have said it's atleast 10 years away if
opened wide open now.

This is just plain wrong to play on this. Kerry seems to have no shame...
er um except for the Vietnam thing. :confused:
That is quite a promise to make.

If Kerry walks across the top of reflection pool in the mall, I will vote for them fer sure (I'd be scared not too)
Professur said:
This will instantly be blamed on Bush, because he didn't do enough to save Reeve.
Already has been.

Some of you know that I'm a big follower of stem cell research, so this won't come as a huge surprise. Frankly, banning stem cell research (or in this case stifling it extensivly) wasn't exactly a wise choice.

As for Kerry promising that quadrlaplegics will walk again...not even the scientists can guarantee it. All they can do is promise that they'll try their best.
MrBishop said:
Some of you know that I'm a big follower of stem cell research, so this won't come as a huge surprise. Frankly, banning stem cell research (or in this case stifling it extensivly) wasn't exactly a wise choice.

As for Kerry promising that quadrlaplegics will walk again...not even the scientists can guarantee it. All they can do is promise that they'll try their best.

I love it when someone that leans a little farther left than me "Gets it".
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :D
another bullshit campaign promise.

bad taste worse timing

but, all in all, even if he didn't pass away, bad taste
Oh, just FYI. Stem cell research isn't banned. Fetal stem cell research is. That is to say, a born dead child can have it's body donated to science, and all is well. It's the donation of aborted fetuses, and unwanted test tube babies that is banned. For reasons which should be obvious, to all save abortion supporters .
Professur said:
Oh, just FYI. Stem cell research isn't banned. Fetal stem cell research is. That is to say, a born dead child can have it's body donated to science, and all is well. It's the donation of aborted fetuses, and unwanted test tube babies that is banned. For reasons which should be obvious, to all save abortion supporters .

1) Adumt stem cells can't be used in the majority of the promising research that stem-cell is talking about
2) Adult stem cells have been used for years...bone marrow transplants
3) Abortuses aren't all that useful either...they're too old to be used for the majority of the research.
4) Frozen and unused embryos which are unwanted by the couple in question and if they decide not to donate them to other couples are destroyed. They can either be destroyed with or without a positive outcome. This doesn't play out into abortion at all. It's going to happen anyway.
5) Stem-cell research isn't banned, but they're limiting who can and cannot access the stem-cell lines, what they can do research on, and the lines that are available date back years. No new lines=limited research=limited application.
To clear the record even further, stem cell reasearch is not & never has been banned by the USA.

Public funding is at issue. Private institutions/schools/labs can research to their hearts content.

President GW Bush is the first President to publically fund any type of stem cell research. He just limited the pubilcally funded research to the one line.