arson excitement in my dorm

Crazy week...

Last tuesday, we go to bed, everything normal.

3AM wednesday morning... fire alarm. Not surprising, at least twice a month some dumbass sets the fire alarms off. ALWAYS between 2AM and 5AM.
We had to wait a bit longer than normal to go back inside, but otherwise everything was normal.
Wednesday around 11am in class we get an e-mail explaining that a bomb threat was made.
Around 1, after class, we go back to the dorm. It's surrounded by cops, and the bomb-sniffer dogs searched every room. They knocked over her trash can and pushed the trash all around her floor.
We finally get back in around 2:30.
Normal afternoon on Wednesday. Dorm was completely on lockdown though - searched bags and checked IDs to get inside the building.
Then around dinnertime, they announce that the note said a specific room would be blown up between 1AM and 2AM that night.
We both scramble out of Hoboken in order to spend the night at our friend's house in Essex County.
Our friend tells us the train station to go to, so we buy tickets, but our friend told us the wrong station, so we run off the train, then find out that the correct train doesn't depart for an hour and a half.
So we end up taking a taxi there... it was expensive, but it was fast
We spend the night, our friend's mom drops us off at campus. Security is definitely down a notch - there's a cop, but he took a lunch break, and security is kinda lax.

Everyone thinks it's all back to normal thursday afternoon, but I could tell that K was still scared, so we walked over to my cousin's apartment and slept on her couch. My roommate makes fun of me for being a wimp.

5 am friday morning, another fire alarm. Everyone who lives in my building was locked in the gym for 11 hours. Sooooo lucky that we didn't stay overnight there.

Friday morning, we were just spooked out by the whole fucking town (this was before they caught the kid), so we bailed and spent the weekend at my parent's house, 2 hours away.

Luckily, they caught and expelled the kid who did it all, but it was a really fucking crazy week.
Nothing that fun ever happened in the dorms when I was in college. Now, after 9/11, we did have more strict security, especially the hall I was in, since it was closest to the street and there was a mosque across the street. Also, when I was a freshman, someone lit the LGBTA booth in the Free Speech Area on fire.
They've now decided to make it up to us by... hold your breath... giving us free ice cream. :eek6: