As the revolution draws nigh


molṑn labé
Staff member
FUCK IT!!! I QUIT!!! Enough. I can't take it any more. There is a vast desolute plain in the northern reaches of Canada with my name on it. I'm moving away. We have gone so far overboard that my head is reeling. What the hell happened to common sense?

As soon as the pendulum starts swinging back, someone let me know. I may decide to rejoin society. Until then;

I don't care what color you are as long as you're a decent person.

I don't care who you fuck, juts stop talking about it.

I don't care what drugs you do? When you die, leave me something in the will.

I believe in equal rights. When you can pick up 80lb concrete sacks all day(without help), you'll get equal pay.

No, your religion does not entitle you to kill others or lead their lives.

Finally, NO, that particular problem does not entitle you to a special interest lobby in Washington where you can try to get our money. Have a problem? Fix it or learn to live with it.

See ya

NEW YORK, July 28 — New York City is creating the nation’s first public high school for gays, bisexuals and transgender students.The Harvey Milk High School will enroll about 100 students and open in a newly renovated building in the fall. It is named after San Francisco’s first openly gay city supervisor, who was assassinated in 1978.


the Beatles said:
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Gonz said:
There is a vast desolute plain in the northern reaches of Canada with my name on it.

Canada you say?
OTTAWA (CP) - The federal government will overhaul the age-old definition of marriage and make Canada the world's third country to recognize same-sex matrimony, Prime Minister Jean Chretien announced Tuesday.

Licensing and registration work together in improving public safety. Licensing ensures the owners meet our high public safety standards, while registration links owners to their firearms leading to greater accountability.

even in the outback one is no longer safe :rolleyes:
Gonz, I agree with you about the gay high school (for different reasons no doubt) but why shouldn't the gays have as much right to talk about who they fucked last night as you do. If you don't like it, walk away. The color thing; I think the perception is that most people do care what color someone's skin is. I try to make allowances for the defensiveness myself. Granted that there are extremist assholes on every side of that one, but they aren't in the majority. Okay, what if your job doesn't involve lifting eighty pound bags of concrete but rather making decisions at some corporation, do you then deserve twenty percent less pay because you can't lift the afforementioned bags of concrete? Everyone knows my personal opinion of religion. Terrorism is about control, religion is just the excuse, however. I could go on, but you get my point.

Finally, maybe rather than running away, we could address the problem. Got any ideas that are workable?

Gonz, you sure you want a revolution? Your last one seems not to have worked out quite as planned. *snicker*
chcr said:
why shouldn't the gays have as much right to talk about who they fucked last night as you do...

Oh but they do & more. It's not about talking between a few friends, it's about making a public display. What seperates homosexuals from heterosexuals? (besides the obvious & course one liners that could be inserted here) Who they fuck. Nothing else. Why does that entitle them to a seperate & (I assume) closed campus? It doesn't. Who they choose to bed is completely irrelevent to math, science, history, language & general studies. You know what I heard the other day? Brittney Spears is no longer a virgin. Did I need to know that? Does it change the course & structure of human evolution or history? No. Quit talking about who you fuck. It's boring & nobodies business. Slick Willie got blown by a fat ugly intern. So what. Had he not come on television to point at us, with an accusing finger, it would have been between him & the courts. Since he lied to the public & the courts, he made his indiscretions the butt of jokes around the world & got himself impeached. Over what? Something that has happened in time immemorial.

Look, I don't care who people sleep with (as long as it's not my wife & kid). It has become a national pastime to give us the scoop on who's in bed with whom. Fine, whatever, I don't read that crap. But taking public monies & starting semi-public institutions based on criteria that has no bearing on anything is wasting public funds & making a special class where one not need be. Homosexuality is a victim state.

Blacks are not slaves. They are as free as I & have the exact same opportunities to further themselves as the next guy. Some members of my "race" have taken it upon themselves to apologize for every single state sponsored wrong & indiscretion of the past. You know what. We had a war that almost tore our country apart to end the state sponsored part. It cost our 16th president his life. It still has ramifications in modern life. No, you are not entitled to extras. You were not harmed. Move on or move over. It's no longer a state sponsored program. As far as the small percentage of true hillbilly nigger-haters go, kick their ass. Better yet, when they present themselves in their true light, use a stunningly quit wit to disarm them. If they are a violent problem, have them arrested. The victims are dead & their progeny seem to prefer victimhood.

Don't let the gals over at "The Organization of Women are better than men" fool you. Studies are showing that, despite the lies that perpetuate, white collar women who do not take time off to start &/or raise a family, actually make more than their male counterparts. Since that particular number is so small, it "doesn't count". Also, men are more apt to negotiate a higher salary, when beginning a new job, than women. So, once again, we're creating a victim class.

What's my solution? We have one already. It's the United States Constitution & Bill of Rights. Everybody is equal. Everybody has a shot at glory & riches. Grab the brass ring & go for it. Did somebody hurt your feelings? Too bad. Get mad, get even or get over it. Life is a bitch. It's also exactly what you make of it. If you choose victimhood, fine. Live like a pauper & go nowhere in life. Make sure your kids & grand-kids know how bad you had it. Don't work to advance their life. Pout. Just quit asking for hand-outs. It ain't my problem, so stop making it my problem. You want fair? Find another planet to live on, this one is full with people capable & (some)actually wiling to move past today & yesterday.
It's the United States Constitution & Bill of Rights. Everybody is equal.
Wouldn't it be nice if it really worked that way? Seriously, I don't disagree with you. There's a guy on the radio that calls it the "United States of the Offended" and that's just what it's turning into. It was the way you qhrased it, I misunderstood.
Studies are showing that, despite the lies that perpetuate, white collar women who do not take time off to start &/or raise a family, actually make more than their male counterparts.
Who did the studies. Nowhere that I've ever worked was that way. A few paid the same, and it was a point of pride with them. I always feel like you shouldn't pat yourseof on the back for doing what your supposed to.
Actually there is a difference in heterosexual and homosexual math. homosexuals dont multiply :)
chcr said:
Wouldn't it be nice if it really worked that way?

Who did the studies. Nowhere that I've ever worked was that way. A few paid the same, and it was a point of pride with them. I always feel like you shouldn't pat yourseof on the back for doing what your supposed to.

In my seemingly bent little world, it does work that way. It's just that the agendists (is that a word?) can't let it go, otherwise they'd be out of a cushy job & out looking for a real one.

The study was from about 2 years ago & I'll be damned if I can find it. It stated, basically, that given purely equal footing, a woman in todays corporate world actually fared better than a guy. However, there are very few wimins that decide upon college graduation to not stop & care give a child, parent or other. The men are paid more because they have more direct & concurrent job time.

Before anybody starts bickering, these are all purely generalizations & your uncle/cousin/aunt/kid brothers best friend/blah blah blah surely has a story to disprove what I'm spouting. I'm not being specific. Generalization: White men can't dance. Exception-John Travolta. See, both are true at the same time.
ive always seen everyone as equals. i dont see why anyone gay or straight need special schools separate from regular ones. i dont see why women or miniorities should either. like gonz fuck who you want(as long as it doesnt hurt someone else like wife/hubby) for all i care. its my life i dont need to know whos fucking who(unless i have a gf/wife who is involved). and why the need for the separate school anyway? wont that create more animosity there? as far as religion is concerned, you can beleive whatever you want worship how you want sa long as you follow two major guidelines: first no killing for your god. second: dont cram it down someone elses throat.
Gonz said:
What seperates homosexuals from heterosexuals? (besides the obvious & course one liners that could be inserted here) Who they fuck. Nothing else. Why does that entitle them to a seperate & (I assume) closed campus?

For those that are too dense to realise the obvious, do you really think they're going to be teaching different material? Do you think that LEARNING has got ANYTHING to do with it? No you don't. So try sitting down and thinking for two seconds before displaying your ignorance. What happens to fags at your standard American High School? They get pushed around, teased, laughed at, made fun of, beaten up, raped with brooms (yes that happened). You can imagine that they might not have as fond a memory of their time there as others might. If somebody has gone to the trouble of providing them an alternative to this misery, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU to deny them it?
A13, with that type of thought, why shouldn't fat kids, geeks, christians and jews all have their own govt. funded schools. They are all ridiculed in the same manner. Persecuted for their wieght, religion, intelegence. If they want a seperate school it should be privately funded. just like the others.
So far there is only 1 state that im aware of that allows tha tax payer to determine where his taxes for schooling is going. If it goes against their principles they can have it go elsewhere.
So to answer who am i do deny them, Im the one footing the bill. as a taxpayer.
Well put Sam.

Our liberal policy makers decided that our schools need to be diversified yet they also make public all girl schoools. When the Jim Crow laws were active there were black schools & white schools. It was ridiculous then & it's ridiculous now. I suppose there aren't any homosexual bullies?
I think it's a great idea for exactly the reasons that A13 said. There are people that are born gay, I truly believe this. For them to have to suffer through high school if they are honest, or live a lie through high school if they are not is just cruel.
Im not saying its a bad idea, i just dont think i or anyother taxpayer should be forced to fund it.
are you willing to fund a school for the obeese? some are just born that way too. They are picked on just as much.
It should be all or none. Now imagine what our taxes are gonna look like. Why should preferntial treatment be given to one group and not the other?
To use the excuse they are being picked on or persecuted is lame. Look at all the other groups that have been through this. They still went to school, made it through life. And if they didnt like the social acceptance of who or what they are, guess what, the started their own private school that they funded and supported.
look at the boyscouts and goirl scouts. Now its mixed because of this type of thinking. Discrimination.
What are they gonna tell me if i decide i want to go to a all gay school? I cant cause im not gay? that would be like spitting on their own agenda. Accept me for who i am.
Being gay is more openly accepted now than it was 15, 10, or even 5 years ago.
a13antichrist said:
For those that are too dense to realise the obvious, do you really think they're going to be teaching different material? Do you think that LEARNING has got ANYTHING to do with it? No you don't. So try sitting down and thinking for two seconds before displaying your ignorance. What happens to fags at your standard American High School? They get pushed around, teased, laughed at, made fun of, beaten up, raped with brooms (yes that happened). You can imagine that they might not have as fond a memory of their time there as others might. If somebody has gone to the trouble of providing them an alternative to this misery, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU to deny them it?

i dont want them to suffer at all especially in their hs days but i dont see why they need to be separate from anyone else. heterosexuals are made fun of(OMG it happens) so do they get one? how bout blacks? asians? look everyone is going to be made fun of. how is building a separate school going to help things? itll keep the misunderstandings there.
PuterTutor said:
I think it's a great idea for exactly the reasons that A13 said. There are people that are born gay, I truly believe this. For them to have to suffer through high school if they are honest, or live a lie through high school if they are not is just cruel.

What happens when they leave their little private public institution of safety & harmony & join the cruel & punishing real world? People have to learn to handle different situations. If a crime is committed, call the cops. By that reasoning, women should be segregated because rape & harassment happen. Maybe we should unintegrate our schools because a few blacks or asians or hispanics or caucasians might get picked on & that is just too much for our children to handle.

Personal growth & character development virtually never happen when all is smooth sailing.