As the revolution draws nigh

samcurry said:
Being gay is more openly accepted now than it was 15, 10, or even 5 years ago.

After the recent court rulings, that is not so true.

The shift in attitudes comes after a spate of headlines on gay issues. In recent weeks, the Supreme Court struck down a Texas anti-sodomy law, a Canadian court decision allowed gay couples to marry in Ontario, and Wal-Mart expanded anti-discrimination protection to gay workers.

USA Today
Gonz said:
What's my solution? We have one already. It's the United States Constitution & Bill of Rights. Everybody is equal.

I wonder if HMH would try to deny a straight kid's admission to the school. A decision like that based on a student's sexual orientation would be discrimination.
Gonz said:
Personal growth & character development virtually never happen when all is smooth sailing.

That is certainly true, although I can hardly see people advocating giving kids a hard time in order to induce mental growth, and even less thinking that that's a suitable argument against such an institution.

You're right in that this isn't the solution to the problem. But at this point in time it's the best they've got so until YOU THE TAXPAYER stop raising retarded kids that do all the persecuting, guess you're just gonna have to put up with the indignation of fotting the bill, huh? In any case, you're not paying any more for a separate school, are you? The state is still educating the same number of kids.
So far the bill is over $30,000. per kid, just for renovations. It's another building to heat, cool, light, phone, hire staff & etc.

I'm raising my kid correctly. Too bad I can't raise the neighbor kids too. Oh wait, I (well, my wife) already do that too.

If we stop stooping to the lowest common denominator & raise the expectations of our citizens & their off spring, then what would we argue about? :D
If we stop stooping to the lowest common denominator & raise the expectations of our citizens & their off spring, then what would we argue about? :D

I don't know. Let's find out. ;)
so we should tell the other kids to suck it up? This is just a way to get an agenda pushed. we cant be legally married so we want a school. Cant wait to see the discrimination lawsuits they face. Cause i can guarentee there will be someone that wants in and are turned away.
And im with gonz, i have 2 boys(not old enough to know what it means) but are raised to respect people as people.
anyways we agree that this isnt the solution to the problem, but i think they could prolly look a little harder to find the solution.
so we should tell the other kids to suck it up?
Well, that's not how I took it, Sam. It seems like anymore, we have no expectations for our kids at all. How does that in any way prepare them for adulthood. For christ's sake they don't even keep score in some levels of baseball so there won't be winners and losers. What's wrong with expecting our kids to behave, obtain a certain level of proficiency in school, etc...

I agree that this is a ridiculous solution. As I said earlier, perhaps it would be better to deal with the problem than to hide from it.
chcr, i should have specified a little on that comment.
It just seems to me that all we do as a society anymore is try to cater to everyones wims. EVERYONE gets picked on at some time in their life. what about gays in the workplace should be have 2 buildings so they dont feel ostracized? seperate bathrooms? i mean the list goes on.and its all intertwined where does it end? you think once this happens good ol jessie jackson isnt gonna jump the bandwagon and use the reasoning "well you gave them a seperate school" Its like the writing on the wall but everyones affraid to read it. for fear that they should be called a gaybasher or not being PC.
all im really getting at is it should be a PRIVATE school privately funded. If they want segregration.
Otherwise find a better solution.
samcurry said:
what about gays in the workplace should be have 2 buildings so they dont feel ostracized? seperate bathrooms? i mean the list goes on.

As adults people are expected to have matured somewhat and be more understanding of different lifestyles, and to have grown out of the sexual insecurity that incites this sort of prejudice. Yeah that's often not the case but that's why employment contracts are written on paper and not on sheet metal.. ;)
How do they learn to mature to that point without making a few mistakes? Are you saying we need one of these schools for college also because they haven't yet reached maturity. I know more adults with problems with homosexuals than kids.

Maturity comes from experience as well as from age.
still i ask, Why should preferntial treatment be given to one group and not the other? why shouldn't fat kids, geeks, christians and jews all have their own govt. funded schools. And lastly if they announced there was gonna be seperate schools for the other challenged people would you support it?
Why should preferntial treatment be given to one group and not the other?
You're absolutely right, Sam. Does anyone besides me remember "separate but equal?" It was part of the justification for racial segregation. It didn't work then, it won't work now. It's unbelievable to me how little we learn from mistakes of the past. :shrug:
The Pentagon has twice as many bathrooms as are needed, because when it was built black people still had to use separate restrooms from white people. So if this separate but equal thing for gays takes off, I guess the Pentagon is already prepared.
It's a good point Sam and one worth bringing up at the next council hearing. Just be careful though, knowing you lot you might end up with just that... ;)
chcr said:
You're absolutely right, Sam. Does anyone besides me remember "separate but equal?" It was part of the justification for racial segregation. It didn't work then, it won't work now. It's unbelievable to me how little we learn from mistakes of the past. :shrug:

Slight difference here, these students are choosing to segregate themselves, rather than being forced to. Minor, I know.. :p

I personally wouldn't want my child to go to such a school, if s/he were gay. As someone (too lazy to look who) said, there's a lot of life experience they'll be missing out on, but not just due to the being picked on. However, if narrowing their outlook and life experience makes them happy then good for them. Oh and at the very least, the other kids won't have as many school-haters around to distract them from their studies - might be good for class morale.. :retard:
Slight difference here, these students are choosing to segregate themselves,
I agree, a13. Clearly, they have either not been taught or failed to learn history adequately.
chcr said:
I agree, a13. Clearly, they have either not been taught or failed to learn history adequately.

I can answer that. Public institutions of supposed learning no longer teach history as a matter of course. When they do mention tidbits, it's heavily edited as to not offend some group or individual or another. Very seriously, this is not a cynical remark. Well, yea, it is but it's truthful.
Gonz said:
I can answer that. Public institutions of supposed learning no longer teach history as a matter of course. When they do mention tidbits, it's heavily edited as to not offend some group or individual or another. Very seriously, this is not a cynical remark. Well, yea, it is but it's truthful.

the tidbits they mention are also PC. that makes it bullshit in my eyes as well.