Ashley Simpson falls apart on SNL

Seems like somebody didn't synchronized properly the playback. :shrug:

Edit, If I would have been her, I'd have said something about it on the mic, blame the guys mixing by saying wtf were they thinking when putting a voice track, then start the song again and sing with my own voice.
ResearchMonkey said:
*wonders how well Luis sings* :)

Not bad but not good either, but I rarely sing loud sober :D :D

The above post was the hypothetical case of me being the one in that situation. You have to think fast and minimize the damage.
Situations, like the one she was put in on the show, test a person’s quickness to respond to unplanned events.

In fact, on a reality TV show recently (Dream Job on ESPN) they tested this same response by taking away the teleprompter leaving the broadcasters with nothing to read to see if they have the ability to fix the problem with quick wit.
I know, logical approach, the show must go on.

Luis G said:
I rarely sing loud sober :D :D
Tru dat', werd.

it took me a numbers of years to get past that sober thing. Just last night I jumped up on top, two hay-bails high. Much to the embarrasement of my kids, and proceeded to do the "time-warp" in front of about ~400 people, sober. 2 gals half my age joined me and a few other ppl were seen to be doing it also. (we looked like Go-Go-Dancers)
I don't feel bad...I was spared another annoying song by her. Otherwise it was funny episode...Jude law did a great job.
feel bad for her? it was the best "live" t.v i've seen in a long time. I feel bad for those who have talent , and who actually CAN sing, those who are being upstaged by a goon like her. The pop industry is a joke, its obsessed with "image" and nothing else. Ashlee Simpson is only there because of her sister. Imagine how many other performers sync? most of them do, because they sound terrible live and all their records are are digitized and leveled to make their terrible songs sound okay...its ridiculous how people make such a big deal of this when its actually common knowledge in the industry that most 'live' artists use mixes and backing tracks and all this technology to "enhance" their "natural" voice so much so that their 'natural' voice sounds pathetic compared to the computer generated one. So-called 'singers' Ashlee Simpson or Britney spears deserve the title "glorified mime artist" more than they deserve the role of star. Its a complete joke...
BeardofPants said:
*lol* Scary thing is, if Milli Vanilli were big today... no-one would CARE about the lip synching. :rolleyes:
Apparently not:

Producer Jimmy Jam, who's worked with artists ranging from Janet Jackson to Usher, said he too was surprised over the Simpson incident — surprised that it was such a big deal.

"I thought everybody knew that everybody lip-synched," he said. "I just thought when you went and saw Britney Spears, you knew that she lip-synched the whole concert. ... They're seeing a show, and to them, that's what a show is."

Everybody except Patti LaBelle:

R&B veteran Patti LaBelle, known for her booming voice and creative improvisations, lamented that "the whole world is so phony today so people are accepting it. People are loving phonies."

Sounding hoarse from recent performances, LaBelle said she never lip-synchs at shows. But she's seen plenty of it, and not just from singers with feather-light voices.

"I was surprised when I heard some of the people who were doing it," she said. "When some of the bigger stars who can sing their butts off are using some enhancements, I'm like, why?"

I agree with Ms. LaBelle. It's phony, phony, phony.
Read my lips: Turkmenistan's president outlaws lip synching performances

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan (AP) - He has outlawed opera and ballet and railed against long hair and gold teeth, but now President Saparmurat Niyazov is determined to wipe out another perceived scourge: lip synching.

Niyazov has ordered a ban on lip synching performances across the tightly controlled Central Asian country, citing "a negative effect on the development of singing and musical art," the president's office said Tuesday.

"Unfortunately, one can see on television old voiceless singers lip-synching their old songs," Niyazov told a cabinet meeting in comments broadcast on state TV on Tuesday. "Don't kill talents by using lip synching . . . Create our new culture."

Under Niyazov's order, lip synching is now prohibited at all cultural events, concerts, on television and at private celebrations such as weddings.

Niyazov has led the former Soviet republic for 20 years, creating a vast personality cult around himself and issuing decrees regulating behaviour in all walks of life.

In 2001, Niyazov banned opera and ballet as not corresponding with the national mentality. last year, he called for young people not to get gold tooth caps and urged authorities to crack down on young men wearing beards or long hair

I posted this originally at Thread Wonders on 8/16/05...

Ashlee Simpson Wants Another ‘SNL’ Shot

Ashlee Simpson is in negotiations to make a return appearance on Saturday Night Live, where she was last seen running from the stage in disgrace after her lip-synching was exposed.

"It's not confirmed yet, but I want to do it," she tells Billboard of her talks to host and perform on the show around the Oct. 11 release of her new album, 'I Am Me.' "I've battled those demons. I'm ready to go back out and do it again."

The debacle found its way into the lyrics of two songs on Simpson’s sophomore Geffen album, including the track "Beautifully Broken."

"I've obviously fallen on my face before in front of a bunch of people, but I've learned it's a beautiful thing and it's OK for people to be broken," she says.

"That song is about the moment where it's like, 'God, I don't even know if I'm going to be able to get out of my bed tomorrow.' But you have to get yourself to get up and continue."
"Battled those demons"???

Good Lord, could this idiot be anymore selfoccupied?

"I've obviously fallen on my face before in front of a bunch of people, but I've learned it's a beautiful thing and it's OK for people to be broken," she says.

Yup. she can. Thank Gawd I've managed to keep my daughter from encountering this twit.