Assisted Suicide


molṑn labé
Staff member
The implications of this ruling are huge.

''a single executive officer the power to effect a radical shift of authority from the states to the federal government"

''This is a watershed decision for freedom and democracy in the US," said Barbara Coombs Lee, president of Compassion & Choices, an advocacy group. ''It reaffirms the liberty, dignity, and privacy Americans cherish at the end of life. No government should threaten these rights nor usurp a state's power to meet the needs of its dying citizens."

Row vs Wade is the federal government usurping states rights.

So is Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation. (then, at least, they followed the prescribed doctrine & changed the Constitution)

The Declaration of Independence said all men are created equal. Thus the argument for abolition took hold. It also says Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Life...not the right to die. Thus, abortion & assisted suicide are in violation of doctrine.

Look, they're lining up to kill the sick & feeble but the state can't execute 'em?
At least six other states have proposed, or are considering, some form of an assisted suicide law, with bills currently in the legislatures of California and Vermont.


Which is it, Federal Power or State Power? Pick one.
I like the idea of 90% State powers. The Fed only needs universal powers in matters of maintaining a single currency, a national army, and wringing out state disputes.
Gonz said:
The implications of this ruling are huge.

Row vs Wade is the federal government usurping states rights.

So is Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation. (then, at least, they followed the prescribed doctrine & changed the Constitution)

The Declaration of Independence said all men are created equal. Thus the argument for abolition took hold. It also says Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Life...not the right to die. Thus, abortion & assisted suicide are in violation of doctrine.

Look, they're lining up to kill the sick & feeble but the state can't execute 'em?


Which is it, Federal Power or State Power? Pick one.

Should be a state power. The state should be allowed to make the laws regarding assisted suicide. Though more than that I think it is up to the individual
If a person wants to die let them. The way I look at it murder is wrong (suicide is murder in a diferent form) and the person will come to judgement for that indiscretion...