At least he's a good speaker


molṑn labé
Staff member
Have notes, will travel

President Barack Obama doesn’t go anywhere without his TelePrompter.

The textbook-sized panes of glass holding the president’s prepared remarks follow him wherever he speaks.

Resting on top of a tall, narrow pole, they flank his podium during speeches in the White House’s stately parlors. They stood next to him on the floor of a manufacturing plant in Indiana as he pitched his economic stimulus plan. They traveled to the Department of Transportation this week and were in the Capitol Rotunda last month when he paid tribute to Abraham Lincoln in six-minute prepared remarks.

Obama’s reliance on the teleprompter is unusual — not only because he is famous for his oratory, but because no other president has used one so consistently and at so many events, large and small.

His use of the teleprompter makes work tricky for the television crews and photographers trying to capture an image of the president announcing a new Cabinet secretary or housing plan without a pane of glass blocking his face.

He can't speak off the cuff. Who is the puppetmaster?

as someone who does a decent amount of public speaking, and a lot of other work that prevents one from being fully prepared for those speaking gigs...

nah, whatever.

who is the puppetmaster??? do tell.

at least maybe we can get some intrigue out of obama is a dummy part 87.

is it nap time yet?

Anonymous sources close to the White House revealed today that the image formerly known as "President Obama ' is actually a hologram, generated from extensive demographic data compiled by ACORN that indicates it is the ideal representation to carry a "Virtual Candidate" into office on an artificially generated emotional wave of white guilt, black anger, student idolatry, and union corruption.

It is believed that the ultra-secret program and the massive programming and rendering effort was funded by George Soros.
and that's not very far from what you actually believe.

well, hey, we've gone from a cartoon to a hologram. that's progress!