
On the topic of fish, we were down in platsburg Ny yesterday and the missus picked up a book on catfish at Gander (hunting/fishing supply) HL, you may have created a monster. Now I'm gonna have to go catch and skin one of those brutes.
Professur said:
On the topic of fish, we were down in platsburg Ny yesterday and the missus picked up a book on catfish at Gander (hunting/fishing supply) HL, you may have created a monster. Now I'm gonna have to go catch and skin one of those brutes.
...and put it in a taco?
Professur said:
On the topic of fish, we were down in platsburg Ny yesterday and the missus picked up a book on catfish at Gander (hunting/fishing supply) HL, you may have created a monster. Now I'm gonna have to go catch and skin one of those brutes.

As long as it's not over 10 pounds...that's about 3.4 Kg to you metric heathens...Any bigger, and they start to get a gamey taste...
I went over to my parents' place last night and we had a fish fry with deep sea salmon... that was some good stuff right there.
tonksy said:
A soaking in buttermilk will help take that gaminess out though.

Amazing stuff. Tastes like crap when in a glass but makes cooking so much better.
I don't watch TV, so I never saw that episode of the show mentioned at the start of this Atheism thread turned baby-taco eating thread. ;)

However, I can tell you there is quite a bit of discrimination against Atheists.

In my prior job I worked for an ultra-religious supervisor who constantly attempted to engage me in debate regarding my Atheism. It was a pain in the ass! And quite inappropriate! However, I never turned him in to Human Resources or anything... I let it go, as it never really bothered me at all, since I could usually just change the subject or just politely ask him if we could talk about it another time (like, never) as I was busy with something (anything).

In the end, I had told him I was seeking a full time job (that job was only part time) either there or outside the college (where I worked). He took that opportunity to end my job without my knowledge and told me only an hour before the end of my shift that I wouldn't be returning. He didn't give me any other notice and I didn't have another job lined up. I was left without a job for nearly 2 months, but he had no problem with that. I had never a problem with anyone there and he had always been impressed with my work. What a fine upstanding Xian. :rolleyes:
I can only remember one employer who didn't ask me what church I attended (or invite me to services as a way of finding out). OTOH I can also only remember one where I really thought it made a difference. I don't think it's approriate, but I'm not going to lie about it either.
yeah, i used to put it all out there, but it caused too many problems, i dont even wear religious insignia/jewelry anymore most of the time.
valkyrie said:

However, I can tell you there is quite a bit of discrimination against Atheists.

Because something happened to you, it makes the case for widespread discrimination.

I'll admit it right here, right now. I disagree with every iota of atheism. I hold the belief that there are no atheists in Hell. I defend someone's right to believe what they choose, but that doesn't mean I accept the belief even as I can have a good relationship with the person. And the person will know my thoughts on the matter. Once we agree to disagree and to move on from there, it won't be mentioned by me again. The person will know that I will discuss these topics with them at any time, and the ball will be in their court until returned.

In same fashion, I don't require anyone else to believe as I do, but will not allow my beliefs to be ridiculed as they often are on this board. I'm far more tolerant on that subject here than I would be in person. It's a decision I made.

In my world, some battles are worth fighting more heartily than others. Some are fought on different fronts with different rules. Some are strictly internal.

At the end of the day, the only person I have to rectify my stances with is the man in the mirror. If I can look him in the eye, I'm OK. I might answer to another authority someday for my actions, but I'll hardly be alone in that.

So far, the man in the mirror is pleased.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Because something happened to you, it makes the case for widespread discrimination.

I'll admit it right here, right now. I disagree with every iota of atheism. I hold the belief that there are no atheists in Hell. I defend someone's right to believe what they choose, but that doesn't mean I accept the belief even as I can have a good relationship with the person. And the person will know my thoughts on the matter. Once we agree to disagree and to move on from there, it won't be mentioned by me again. The person will know that I will discuss these topics with them at any time, and the ball will be in their court until returned.

In same fashion, I don't require anyone else to believe as I do, but will not allow my beliefs to be ridiculed as they often are on this board. I'm far more tolerant on that subject here than I would be in person. It's a decision I made.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SouthernN'Proud again.

That's my final opinion on the matter...;)
chcr said:
I can only remember one employer who didn't ask me what church I attended (or invite me to services as a way of finding out). OTOH I can also only remember one where I really thought it made a difference. I don't think it's approriate, but I'm not going to lie about it either.


I've never had one ask me.
Maybe I look like my soul is in more peril...

OTOH, maybe I look more spiritual, which would be kind of amusing, considering...