ATi or nVidia?


New Member
I'm looking into buying a new video card pretty soon. So I was wondering, between nVidia and ATi, which might be the better deal?

performance/cost that is

I'm looking for something that is 4x compatible (because of my current mobo) but also 8x compatible (for my new mobo in the future).

I might just stop by best buy or walmart later today and have a looksee.
If you can wiat til the weekend, I'll throw up some 3dmark numbers for a ATI 9800 XT 256 MB card. I'm sure someone around here can do the same for a top o the line nVidia card.

The ATI went for $420, BTW.
I "borrowed" a 5700 Ultra from Best Buy a couple of weeks ago. My 3D Mark score went from 1700ish on my ti4200 (overclocked) to over 4500.

In reality, it didn't add enough to the games I have to justify the $190. so I returned it. Nice card though.
I have a Gforce FX5950 Ultra with a score of 6424 (

with the system below.... (starting at $380 at newegg)

AthlonXP 1700+ (JIUHB) @ 2.5gig (200x12.5)
Epox 8RDA3+ Nforce2 Ultra 400 Mobo
768MB Mushkin PC3000 @ 2-5-2-2t
Thermalright SLK-800\Vantec Tornado 85cfm fan
Thermaltake Xaser III V1000A Case
Antec 350w True Blue P/S
GeForceFX 5950 Ultra

HomeLAN said:
If you can wiat til the weekend, I'll throw up some 3dmark numbers for a ATI 9800 XT 256 MB card. I'm sure someone around here can do the same for a top o the line nVidia card.

The ATI went for $420, BTW.

Jesus Wept. I've servers with less ram than that. I've a computer with a smaller harddrive.
this card was a ProView Fx5900 (non-ultra) w/256mb ram (400/850).
I Bios Flashed it to a Gainword FX5950 Ultra w/256mb ram (475/950).

Some ATI 9800 Pro's can be flashed to 9800XT's.
Most FX5900 (non-ultra & ultras) can be flashed to 5950 Ultra.
My last card I bought fall of 2000. Asus v7700 Deluxe GF2/GTS 32mb. Paid just over $230 for it. Nice card, but way too much money for a video card IMO.

I upgraded about a month ago. My current card is the ATI 9600SE 128MB dual head. Was $70 at Newegg.

Best part? NO FAN. :D
ATi all the way. I'm sure you remember when i got my 128mb 9600 for free... :) I love the fact that it has no fan, simply wonderful.
pc_builder said:
My caveat is cost. I'm looking for the best bang for the proverbial buck. Probably ~$200 (US)

for that price I would go with the 9800 Pro (128mb)
ATI 9600xt will be your best bang for the buck in the range you want to spend. Newegg has them for 169.00.
I love mine and its a noticable difference over my 8500 le.
anyone know where an NV FX5200go (64mb) will stand relative to the latest and greatest or to my 8500?