Attack of the incomprehensible report card


Staff member

Demonstrates an adequate understanding blahblahblah. (Riley) needs encouragement to investigate the structure and function of the major organs of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Well hell, so would I :tardbang:

Riley is encouraged to participate in daily activities. errrrrrrrr......

I wish they'd go back to where the teacher could write what they thought and not have to make disjointed sentences fit together. 3 pages per report card and I have no freaking idea how my kids are actually doing/conducting themselves in class.
Schedule parent/teacher meetings and tell them you want it straight, no sugar coating.
Nixy said:
Schedule parent/teacher meetings and tell them you want it straight, no sugar coating.

We did. The teacher appologised for the system the school makes her use. And then she gave us the actual grades.
It's really horrible what they do now. Pick and choose out of a list of comments and try to make them fit the child. Useless waste of paper.
Leslie said:
It's really horrible what they do now. Pick and choose out of a list of comments and try to make them fit the child. Useless waste of paper.

But nobody's feelings get hurt, and that's the important thing...:tardbang:
Maybe like...the class calendar, volunteering to walk the attendance to the office, etc etc. Things that need to be done on a daily basis and people volunteer to do them :eyebrow:
Leslie said:
he hasn't...I dunno wtf theyr'e talking about there. do activities daily? :alienhuh:

Sounds like forced volunteering...aka voluntold...if Nixy is correct. They think pressuring him to do something is the only way to get him to do it. He could be trying to get things straight in his head about Mom and Dad being divorced and Paul coming in, so he just doesn't want to participate. :shrug: I'd suggest going beyond the parent-teacher conference, and get into some family counseling the first chance you get.
Nah, he's participating as much as he can. You see, if you participate and volunteer, then you get to leave class, and he's clued into that :lloyd:

He recycled today for over an hour when he should've been in class.

Maybe they want me to to him or do stuff with him. :eek:
Leslie said:
Nah, he's participating as much as he can. You see, if you participate and volunteer, then you get to leave class, and he's clued into that :lloyd:

He recycled today for over an hour when he should've been in class.

Maybe they want me to to him or do stuff with him. :eek:


I talked to him once, and now he like, talks to me all the time, asking me how I am etc.

it's intolerable
Leslie said:
Nah, he's participating as much as he can. You see, if you participate and volunteer, then you get to leave class, and he's clued into that :lloyd:

He recycled today for over an hour when he should've been in class.

Maybe they want me to to him or do stuff with him. :eek:

You don't talk to your kids? :eek: (Like I really believe that) Seriously. Adults have a hard time with divorce, and we understand the whys and wherefors. As much as you explain, a child will not get it. My kids used to be the same way. I think they grew out of it, but, since I'm not the primary parent, I can't haul them off to a counselor whenever I please to have them 'checked'. You have that option. Most likely it's school problems that he won't tell you about, but better safe than sorry...
Recently, the budding adolescent who haunts this house brought home a permission slip for a field trip. Pretty standard form, we're going here to do this, we'll leave at this time, your demonspawn should bring $X.00 for lunch and all that happy horseshit.

Because I was bored, and because I just DO stuff like this, I actually read the whole thing.

[Arlo Guthrie]And there...there on the bottom of the page...away from everything else on the bottom of the page...[/Arlo] I saw it. I quote:

local institution of education said:
List of all prescribed medication's your child needs to take

That's right, pedanticfolk. Possessive. Not plural.

I cannot WAIT for the next school function. I want to know how a school that cannot discern between possessive and plural purports to teach a kid a DAMN thing.
What I'm trying to figure out is why I learned the difference between plurals and possessives and between the words that sound alike but are spelled differently when the people that had the same classes with the same teachers in the same schools didn't learn all that.
The last school was HORRIBLE for that!!! Newsletter after newsletter with misspellings, and bad grammar, bad or no punctuation. GAK!

Gonz, I would if I could, but I just can't.
Gato_Solo said:
likely it's school problems that he won't tell you about, but better safe than sorry...
FTR, I should say that today I got the best report cards ever from these kids. Each and every one of them did superbly marks-wise, far better than ever before, and just about all the comments I could decipher were positive. Or at least not overwhelmingly negative. It was a happy day.

So I took them out and poisoned them with McDonald's to celebrate :eyemouth:

I just hate the report card system now. They're far too hard to dredge any meaning from without the teacher taking the parent line by line.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Recently, the budding adolescent who haunts this house brought home a permission slip for a field trip. Pretty standard form, we're going here to do this, we'll leave at this time, your demonspawn should bring $X.00 for lunch and all that happy horseshit.

Because I was bored, and because I just DO stuff like this, I actually read the whole thing.

[Arlo Guthrie]And there...there on the bottom of the page...away from everything else on the bottom of the page...[/Arlo] I saw it. I quote:

That's right, pedanticfolk. Possessive. Not plural.

I cannot WAIT for the next school function. I want to know how a school that cannot discern between possessive and plural purports to teach a kid a DAMN thing.

I get it. You're (your, yore ;) ) one of these radical liberal parents who think the teachers should actually know more than the students. :lol: I won't even get into smarter than. If they were smart, most of them wouldn't be teachers.