Attention Georgians!


Too cute for words
Just sent in a resume to go to work for the state, working out of Valdosta. Anyone know anything about the area etc.?????
I think they're all from the Atlanta area. Valdosta is practically in Florida, so they may not know much about it.
I think unc has family down there...he'll get in here I'm sure when he sees this.
I don't have any family in that area ... but I did have a cousin that did 2 years of college down there.

Yes it is right on top of Florida. The area is as flat as Florida and is one of the hottest parts of the state. Its half redneck, half college party town. They worship football and are considered to be one of the perennial contenders for a national high school football title. Its ~40,000 in population and the closest real city would probably be Jacksonville, FL. The population is dead split in half between white/black. Theres more women than men. The area has an aura of being a bit below the wage average. Theres no decent entertainment outside of fighting, drinking, and fornicating. I can't recall any lakes nearby ... but there is the Okefenoke swamp. It covers an area of about 30x30 miles. Theres an AirForce base to the NE outside of town ... so you get a bit of military leave traffic. It had the semi-air of a bohemian villa with all of the students. Lots of music and dope. There did seem to be a lot of theft... so locking your doors and cars is a must.

I couldn't live there simply because the place spends 3 months in the mid 90s @ 80+% humidity over the summer.
Thanks unc. For the money their offering I think I'll probably take the job if they offer. I used to live in Tucson after all, and the temp here is mid 90s and 80% humididty all summer too.
80% humidity in Arizona? Is that possible?

Just don't rent or buy and housing near the duplex clusters that run within 2 blocks of the rail line that goes through town. Thats a concentrated area of high crime.
Sorry, unc, no it isn't ever that humid in AZ but it is hot. The mid 90s and humididity is here in TN.
Thats right... I keep forgetting that youre up there by the Nissan plant. At least that part of the world gets some measure of evening cooling with the elevation and whatnot. Valdosta is pretty much sea level.
I used to live in Arizona, 500 feet is not elevation. :D
From what I read, though, we certainly get more winter weather than Valdosta. I have to say that in the summer, it doesn't really cool down all that much in the evenings here either. I'm not too concerned about climate, I've lived in lots of different ones now.