attn: homeowners from NC to Texas and southeastward

...and they wonder why I don't like the idea of moving to Canada. I love the people, love the nature, love the general familiarity that it has with my own culture... its just that the concept of being in -26 for months on end has little appeal for this southern reared heat belt white boy.
What a lovely day. Its all nice and warm ... relatively speaking. I've been hacking at the myrtles for 2 1/2 hours now and am working on the 2 huge ones in the front. I've already carried 5 massive bundles of limbs to the compost heap. Its slow going because that slope is damn steep. I'm burning up all kinds of energy just trying to keep my footing. Its no biggie... I just love being out in the cloudless day.
I'm done with the myrtles. Tackling the two huge ones was more of a pain than I thought. For 90 minutes there I was scurried about 7 feet up the branch cluster precariously balanced hacking away at roughly 70 2 inch thick branches with my trusty murder saw. Cleaning up all of the branches took another 90 minutes. All in all it went pretty well as I only came away with scrapes up the left forearm and a minor 8 cut laceration below the elbow from the murder saw. My hair is encrusted with sawdust and the shower doth beckon me.
it looks lovely and sunshiny there.

we had snowsqualls all day, and clouds, and the high was -14c.

it really sucked today.