auditory dyslexia

She made an emotional appeal to another mother so that she could pick and choose what information people see.
link it still there. so people can see whatever they want.

USA today was not edited so people can still read the news story.
She's still trying to pick and choose what information people see, specifically to keep people from google searching her daughter in a very specific way and finding this site on the second page of results. What are the odds of that happening? Also, her life (and the kid's) appears to be an open book on the view askew board, which has 14,222 members on it. Someone says something she doesn't like, she wants it gone.
Inkara1 said:
She's still trying to pick and choose what information people see, specifically to keep people from google searching her daughter in a very specific way and finding this site on the second page of results. What are the odds of that happening? Also, her life (and the kid's) appears to be an open book on the view askew board, which has 14,222 members on it. Someone says something she doesn't like, she wants it gone.

I would understand your beef if

a) she wanted the USA today story edited at USA today.

b) the link removed.

c) the thread deleted.

anyway I am done with this thread.
paul_valaru said:
I would understand your beef if

a) she wanted the USA today story edited at USA today.

b) the link removed.

c) the thread deleted.

anyway I am done with this thread.

And how do we know she doesn't want Gannett to remove the story from USA Today's Web site and/or run a retraction in all the Gannett-owned papers that ran the story? She probably realizes the editors would tell her something along the lines of "no," if she hasn't actually tried to get the story retracted, so instead she comes here and uses an emotional appeal to another mother for... what, damage control?
paul_valaru said:
It's pretty obvious tath the actually original story, safe at it's own website was not changed in anyway, so it is equally clear this is all about your fragile egos.

Hell,I hadn't even posted to this thread prior to it being reopened,ego be damned.There is a reason the edit button disappears for most of us after a set period of time and rightly so.Editing the names out ,as I've already mentioned,isn't going to keep this thread from appearing in the search results.Anyone whose spent time on the internet searching, knows the search engines won't "automatically" update based on loss of webpage content or even the webpage itself.All the request has done is add to the negativity that the child will find if she is allowed to surf unsupervised and without filters in place to keep OTC out of the results.
paul_valaru said:
and how is the girls name, or the mothers name a real part of the discussion?

apples and oranges.

They were part of a NATIONAL NEWS STORY, at the mothers behest. She could have asked for anonymity. She didn't. The story is public, the names are public & the thread is in response to said actions.

paul said:
let's see a request was made, and it was done cause it changed nothing in the discussion, we are not a news site. and everyone goes apeshit cause now they have an excuse to.
I'll assume that USA Today has the correct information. The new OTC member is just another passing name.

Since we're not a news site I suggest we stick to asking people to what they're listening or talking about Altrons car. *NOT* Put your story out for all to see & you'll get feedback,
Leslie said:
In my day my kid would have been the class kicking post.
Could be he's just in a really good school with really good brotherhoodly spirit, but it's sure different for him now than it was when I was in school.

Or did you misunderstand my post entirely?

It seems I did.
I could really give a shit if she wanted her kids name edited out or not. I'd have to lean with Inky and Gonz on that point, it's quoted from a news story, so fair game. Although I can't really see the harm in doing so on request either, but whatever, get your panties in a bunch about it if necessary.

What I do have a problem with is the criticism of this woman that she is somehow less of a parent because she took her child to a specialist to find out what was wrong with her. She obviously was being a mother because she noticed there was something wrong, yet she is critisized because her child was diagnosed as having something that you don't understand, and if you don't understand it, by god it must not be real and she must just be looking for an excuse. That's lame.
PT said:
I could really give a shit if she wanted her kids name edited out or not. I'd have to lean with Inky and Gonz on that point, it's quoted from a news story, so fair game. Although I can't really see the harm in doing so on request either, but whatever, get your panties in a bunch about it if necessary.

What I do have a problem with is the criticism of this woman that she is somehow less of a parent because she took her child to a specialist to find out what was wrong with her. She obviously was being a mother because she noticed there was something wrong, yet she is critisized because her child was diagnosed as having something that you don't understand, and if you don't understand it, by god it must not be real and she must just be looking for an excuse. That's lame.

Cory, I might have missed it, but I don't think anyone slighted her for looking for help, so much as they slighted the doctors for yet another "syndrome".
Gonz said:
Amuse yourself at the helplessness & idiocy of todays parents. God help us all.
SnP said:
And sometimes they need real parents, dedicated to the job of parenting.
Gonz said:
Wanna stop 99% of all this? End pre-school now. Require parents to parent.
Gonz said:
Outside of death, there should be no single parents. The activity that causes pregnancy is well known.
Sounds like slighting her to me.
Ok first off this mother is not a real member here. She is ONLY here to have a named removed and nothing else. DO NOT let the facts cloud the issue, her only reason to post here is to have us EDIT a NAME from a post of OURS.
This site is rarely ever edited and we dont have sensors in place, the audacity she has to have us remove our opinions because it might hurt someones feeling is so PC. And we all know how most of us feel about PC.

Shame on her! As a father, I would never have done the original interview in the first place. If my concearn was that i didnt want my kids name dredged up all over the internet. This just shows the irresponsibility she had, especially for such an educated person.
Did you get paid for the interview? were you compensated somehow for it? Or was it the sensationalism of seeing your thoughts in print that made you do it in the first place?
Personal guess here is that since you are finishing up an MBA that it was your own ego, seeing your thoughts and opinion in print in a nationally syndicated article that others may see that brillance of your educated mind.
IF you were/are so concearned about your daughter, maybe you should have thought about her a year ago and not done the interview.
And now you wouldnt be here playing cleanup for the stupidity you created.

And you want us to feel sorry for you now? sorry but i dont waste pity for the self inflicted.
here, and i dont want this edited for any reason. Just because im not PC and never will be.
I dont feel sorry for you because you had a choice, you failed at it and we are not the cleanup commitee for your stupidity.

Copied from the CNN article you gave willingly. Without a thought of your consequences until a year later.....

'Parents must be the advocates'
When Michelle Artibee of East Lansing, Mich., felt pressured to pull Katelyn, now 5, out of preschool, she was frustrated that the center "only seemed to be able to deal with the traditional child." She didn't blame the school; she knew that her daughter's violent behavior was holding back the class.
At the second preschool, Katelyn's anger flashed again. But this time Artibee was referred to KEEP (Keeping Early Education Positive), part of the Michigan Childhood Expulsion Prevention Program.
The program sent a specialist to observe Katelyn at school. Soon she was diagnosed with an auditory dyslexia that makes it difficult for her to follow directions in sequence. Now on a regimen of drugs, Katelyn successfully is navigating first grade.
"I understand that everyone has their issues, including schools," Artibee says. "But my lesson was that parents must be the advocates for their kids, because you can't expect the care providers to be."
But some school administrators say parents shouldn't be left to shoulder all the responsibility when it comes to helping preschoolers find their scholastic legs."
:clap: Sam!

Most of you know my feelings toward rewriting history to make ourselves feel better. If that isn't what this request was, then I missed something big time.

Brew's on me Sam. :toast:
Damn it took this to get me to 4000, i need to stop getting a life. or to be real stop the boys from getting one......
samcurry said:
Soon she was diagnosed with an auditory dyslexia that makes it difficult for her to follow directions in sequence. Now on a regimen of drugs, Katelyn successfully is navigating first grade.

Just wanted that highlighted, in case anyone missed it.

:toast: Sam
samcurry said:
Shame on her! As a father, I would never have done the original interview in the first place. If my concearn was that i didnt want my kids name dredged up all over the internet. This just shows the irresponsibility she had, especially for such an educated person.
Did you get paid for the interview? were you compensated somehow for it? Or was it the sensationalism of seeing your thoughts in print that made you do it in the first place?
Personal guess here is that since you are finishing up an MBA that it was your own ego, seeing your thoughts and opinion in print in a nationally syndicated article that others may see that brillance of your educated mind.
IF you were/are so concearned about your daughter, maybe you should have thought about her a year ago and not done the interview.
And now you wouldnt be here playing cleanup for the stupidity you created.

And you want us to feel sorry for you now? sorry but i dont waste pity for the self inflicted.

You are an administrator, I respect your decision. And you are correct, I should have never done the interviews.

Did I get paid or compensated? No. I wanted other parents to know they aren't alone. I wanted to bring attention to program (called KEEP - Keeping Early Education Positive) because that program helped me when I was at the lowest of lows in parenting. I saw this situation as nothing but a positive experience and at the time it never crossed my mind that people would have such negative opinions of it. Naive, yes. Do I regret it, absolutely. I have learned and will move on.

The comments about an MBA and ego couldn't be further from the truth. I want a future for myself and my daughter and getting a higher education was what I thought I needed to do in order to accomplish that. I cannot believe I'm being faulted for not wanting to be poor and another drain on society.

No one here knows me and I cannot expect you all to understand or believe the kind of person I am. Have your doubts, your conspiracy theories about my intents, and continue this cruel discussion all that you wish. I've been honest and have tried to be respectful of your community in my few posts here by not resorting to hateful remarks and low blows, but obviously that makes no difference.

Thank you to those that have been understanding. Goodbye.