August 31 2006


then stop bitching, and get into politics and fix it.

But continued unilateral actions will create a union of dissenting nations that will attack the unilaterla nation, creating a new world war, in the aftermath of said war will be a new powerful league of nations.
then stop bitching, and get into politics and fix it.

I've seriously considered it. I do communicate with my reps & senators-all the time.

What stops me is the knowledge that I have no chance in hell of being elected. I would have decent support for my platform but since I dislike dishonesty & would refuse to change my principles for a vote, there's some weasel who'll undercut me & take the job.

Without honor & integrity we are nothing. (save politicians or lawyers)
I've seriously considered it. I do communicate with my reps & senators-all the time.

What stops me is the knowledge that I have no chance in hell of being elected. I would have decent support for my platform but since I dislike dishonesty & would refuse to change my principles for a vote, there's some weasel who'll undercut me & take the job.

Without honor & integrity we are nothing. (save politicians or lawyers)

Start a movement, write more letter, petitions let your voice be heard, but peopel saying unacceptable and then doing nothing is......

I don't know but I don't like it.

I beleive we let the UN continue, and write or respective politions and get it changed, rather than going around the UN at every turn, and underlining it's weekness for others to see.
What you're missing is, the UN is cutting its own throat. Hell, look at how they (mis)handled the entire Israel/Lebanon thing. There is a long line of inaction, incorrect action, non-action (seen many French pimps recently) & illegal action.

You don't change a beauracratic clusterfuck like the UN, you either allow it to continue or you end it. It's usefulness is gone. End it.
What you're missing is, the UN is cutting its own throat. Hell, look at how they (mis)handled the entire Israel/Lebanon thing. There is a long line of inaction, incorrect action, non-action (seen many French pimps recently) & illegal action.

You don't change a beauracratic clusterfuck like the UN, you either allow it to continue or you end it. It's usefulness is gone. End it.

if it is slitting it's own throat, then let it die, and rebuild from it's ashes.

I mean the only time that any body like this has been useful of stable is during a world war, when it had bite to back up it's bark.

seperate alliances or world goverment.

that is all that will work.

but we don't want to interfer with existing gov'ts (or at least we SAY we don't)

it's a mess.
There will be a world government at some point. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime. If it happens in yours you can count on your standard of living to drop precipitously though.
There will be a world government at some point. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime. If it happens in yours you can count on your standard of living to drop precipitously though.

Yeah, I've got much better odds of seeing it than you, ya old fart. Isn't it time for your nap?

Wanna feel old? My daughter came home from school yesterday, and (we've had the birds and bees talk, and given her development, warned her that her first period could come at any time) and she says to me "Daddy, you were right". Well, I'm right about a lot of things, so I ask "Right about what, exactly". And she says" When you said I could get my period at any time, *sudden chest pain* (BTW, I'm sitting at the table eating during this) well Amy got hers *100lbs weight taken off chest* *notices that the Sword is still hanging jsut above*"

I could almost feel the colour receding from my hair.
Oh, I'm not outta those woods either. I've got a pair of boys to go through with once the double X is done.
chcr- :finger:

Let's start with, the US has nuclear arms & is open to inspection by the IAEA. The US has nuclear power that is open to inspection by the IAEA. The US has nuclear arms prior to the NPT & is not obligated to give them up.

With the following exceptions.
However, other provisions required adaptation in light of fundamental differences between the terms of the U.S. offer and the obligations of non-nuclear weapon states party to the NPT. These differences reflect several facts:
1) The U.S. offer excludes activities of direct national security significance and does not contain any limitations on use of nuclear material by the United States. (Therefore, the agreement provides that at any time the United States can remove a facility from the list of those eligible for safeguards should the facility become associated with activities of direct national security significance, and the United States can transfer nuclear material from eligible facilities to any location including non-eligible facilities.)
2) The United States has sole authority to decide which U.S. facilities are eligible for safeguards, and the IAEA has sole authority to decide which eligible facilities will be selected for safeguards (although the IAEA is obliged to take into account the requirement that the U.S. Government avoid discriminatory treatment between U.S. commercial firms similarly situated).
3) The United States had made separate commitments to provide to the IAEA, for safeguards purposes, information on imports and exports of nuclear material.

Sounds pretty much that the US decides which facilities can be inpected ,if that were any other country the US would not find it acceptable.
Is there any question we have nukes? Big bad-ass mothahumping blowin' the world apart nukes? Didn't think so.

Back on topic.

Look another UN failure.
Yeah, I've got much better odds of seeing it than you, ya old fart. Isn't it time for your nap?

Wanna feel old? My daughter came home from school yesterday, and (we've had the birds and bees talk, and given her development, warned her that her first period could come at any time) and she says to me "Daddy, you were right". Well, I'm right about a lot of things, so I ask "Right about what, exactly". And she says" When you said I could get my period at any time, *sudden chest pain* (BTW, I'm sitting at the table eating during this) well Amy got hers *100lbs weight taken off chest* *notices that the Sword is still hanging jsut above*"

I could almost feel the colour receding from my hair.

I think she chose her phrasing very, very carefully.

When I was in Atlanta, I set the alarm on my cell phone to make sure I woke up before you and the family showed up at HL's house. I said it was so that V 2.0 wouldn't implement some sort of plot against me. HL said it was you he'd be worried about... but I'm much more worried about what your daughter would cook up than what you would cook up.

Tell her I said thanks for backing me up. :D
Yeah, I've got much better odds of seeing it than you, ya old fart. Isn't it time for your nap?

Wanna feel old? My daughter came home from school yesterday, and (we've had the birds and bees talk, and given her development, warned her that her first period could come at any time) and she says to me "Daddy, you were right". Well, I'm right about a lot of things, so I ask "Right about what, exactly". And she says" When you said I could get my period at any time, *sudden chest pain* (BTW, I'm sitting at the table eating during this) well Amy got hers *100lbs weight taken off chest* *notices that the Sword is still hanging jsut above*"

I could almost feel the colour receding from my hair.

My son turned thirty a couple of months ago. :eek: