Aurora Borealis


New Member
No, that's not the name of a porn star. :lloyd:

Otherwise known as the Northern Lights, they are an atmospheric anomaly caused by radiation striking the Earth's magnetic field. Or something like that.

Can you see them where you live?

Kewl photos (click thumbnails for postcard-size image):
Spot said:
only saw them a couple of times...colors were muted but nice to see anyway
What he said.

When I went up to Canada we weren't north enough to see them in all their glory, but they were definitely the northern lights. It was a pitch black and clear sky that night; no moon, no clouds, just some truly awesome northern lights. Now if we had a clearing where there weren't any trees, it would've been even better. But I haven't seen anything like it ever in my life.
You can't see a damn thing in Fresno, either. Making this worse in winter is the tule fog we get. You can't see past the end of the hood of your car in that fog. So of course, when we had the most awesome of awesome meteor showers a few years ago, a once-in-a-crapload-of-lifetimes show, Fresno got socked in by some of that fog.
Inkara1 said:
You can't see a damn thing in Fresno, either. Making this worse in winter is the tule fog we get. You can't see past the end of the hood of your car in that fog. So of course, when we had the most awesome of awesome meteor showers a few years ago, a once-in-a-crapload-of-lifetimes show, Fresno got socked in by some of that fog.
On the contrary, I saw one of those best-since-we-don't-know-when leonoid showers at 12,000' in the mountains. Spectacular.

Never seen any of the lights though.
i used to want to move to alaska, for the sole purpose of being able to see the northern lights.
i changed my mind when i realised i'd have to put up with the coldness, and it being dark a lot.

but The Lights have been spotted in maryland, i believe i once heard... i just never saw them.
oh i thought we were talking about flock of seagulls.....
saw them years ago when i like in the UP. not since.
They're truly stunning in real life. I've seen them on several occasions, and I'm looking forward to some clear skies so that I can see them again, and show them off to my son.

The only thing can't call anyone on your cel to tell them to look up :)
Only seen 'em twice in me life.

Once when I was a lil' dude and after seeing the green glow in the sky I spent a very energetic twently minutes knocking on every door in the street.......telling everyone "the aliens are coming"....until some kindly soul told me exactly what the "aliens" was :blush:

then when I was a teenager I saw them again.....are truly are gorgeous phenomenon :swing:
Just about every night(when it's not raining).
Pics are great but they don't translate the true spectical. It's surreal, aw inspiring and at times even creepy. When watching them you get the sense that something supernatural is happening.