Gonz said:No sir, that is incorrect. Facts written in history books are never incorrect. Opinions, editorials, added to those facts is what makes politics fun.
SouthernN'Proud said:The facts are the true part. The other 98% of a history textbook is open to discussion.
chcr said:Even the so called facts are. For instance: Fact: Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover the Americas. Still accepted as fact in many history books even though there is significant evidence that Vikings were here earlier. Another "fact" that gets ignored is the fact that he thought he was in India. Many things have been accepted as historical "fact" for generations only to be overturned. There are myriad examples of this.
Gonz said:Is this "new" history? I clearly recall that while Columbus is credited as the discroverer of America, it was pointed out, repeatedly, that he thought he was in India & that the Leif was the first to set foot on these lands. He just didn't claim it & stay.
Bob.Winky said:So who was here before the Asiatics walked across the Bering ice bridge?
And Who the Hell cares?
chcr said:Not, however, when I learned it. Hence, the "history" books have been changed. To reflect the facts to be sure, but most people thought they were the "facts" before. Your sweeping statement about "facts" earlier simply does not hold water. Facts as we currently understand them, perhaps...
Of course, you must be correct and I must be mistaken...
Interestingly, the popularization of "Viking Theory" the occurred in the late seventies, well after I had graduated high school (1974), even after I had left college (1977). I first heard about it in the early eighties, but I think it was fairly well known by then although I'm told it din't make the history books until the nineties. Once again...Gonz said:Area or books used. We aren't that far apart in schooling. I can say that facts used in modern history books have gotten quite thin. Ours couldn't have been that different. So yes, as usual, I am correct.
abooja said:I tend to agree with chcr and Bish. History books are inherently flawed because humans are inherently flawed and will infuse them bias and opinion, sometimes unintentionally. I also think there's an element of playing telephone to the passing on of historical facts. By the time a couple of generations have passed, the story is never quite the same as what actually happened.
A history professor of mine once said that the best textbooks about American history were written by Englishmen (and others) because they lent an objectivity to the retelling of facts. Makes a lot of sense to me.
I understood that and was simply adding my own comments.chcr said:Englishmen objective about American History? Mkay...
You kind of miss my point though, young lady. What I'm saying is that what are accepted as cold hard facts (ie Columbus discovering America; it was the first example I thought of) are simply the facts as we know them today. If it didn't happen within your direct perception, you are taking someone else's word for it.
abooja said:Old man.