Australia: The Confusing Country

literally :rofl:

*calling halamikage over to laugh with me*

No ... that's not Mr. Miagi. He's our uncle, part of The Family.
He owns a Hawaiian clothing shop ... that's his designs you see in the pic.
halamikage just brought this to my attention ...

Did you know Hawaiian shirt is a real word in the dictionary?!
Hawaiian shirt n (1952): a usu. short-sleeved sport shirt with a colorful pattern.
ris said:
your hawaiian shirt, designed and made in hawaii, nice material, good cut etc is probly perfect and looks great

my hawaiian shirt, bought in a charity shop, 3 sizes too big and with a minging bright print of pineapples and palm trees is a ridiculous cultural insult and makes me look like a total wanker on a stag night.


hehehe ... me and ku'u own several like that .. they're our favs

nalani said:
ris said:
your hawaiian shirt, designed and made in hawaii, nice material, good cut etc is probly perfect and looks great

my hawaiian shirt, bought in a charity shop, 3 sizes too big and with a minging bright print of pineapples and palm trees is a ridiculous cultural insult and makes me look like a total wanker on a stag night.


hehehe ... me and ku'u own several like that .. they're our favs

The difference is:

Made in USA (ok made in Hawai'i)


Made in England

Hawai'ins got all the touch :D
Scanty said:
Is that Mr Miagi? :eek:



OMG :lol:

hehehe .. that man is the husband of my aunty, the woman I'm named for ... we all own several of his designs ... it's kind of nice when you go out to a formal function and you see a lot of people wearing his clothes ... it's very tasteful and original .. but I love my loud, obnoxious aloha shirts ... wish I had some pics of us wearing them .. I know I've got some somewhere ...
probly made in taiwan and then shipped here, but only we could buy such tasteless crap :D :D

my saving grace is that i bought mine for a stag night in a local charity shop for about £3 :D
Clarification for Gato_Solo :cool:

1. funny, odd, amusing or eccentric person.
2. a person who deceives, deludes himself by refusing to see the truth or reality.
3. a person given to unproductive activity.
4. behavior that is egotistical: e.g. What a wank that speech was!
5. to masturbate.
6. self-indulgence; over-indulgence: e.g. Having the conference in Hawaii was a bit of a wank.

wank (oneself)
1. to deceive, delude (oneself): e.g. He's wanking himself if he thinks everyone will agree with his stupid and unrealistic ideas!
2. ( to masturbate.

(see: wank, 1., 2. and 3.)

stag night
party held by the male friends of a bridegroom on the eve of his wedding which is often ribald and accompanied by pornography, wild pranks and excessive drinking.


lay a cable
to defecate.