Avatar Help


New Member
I think I am being daft, but how do you use avatar's?

I tried to up-load one but it does not appear when I post.



I shall help you, karlwb!

You first browse and select your avatar, then select the option "use custom avatar" in that order.

Good luck! :D
..Did it work..??

You first browse and select your avatar, then select the option "use custom avatar" in that order.

I did as you said, then did save, I did have some download activity but when the avatar page did a refresh it still said NO to use avatar.

are you getting an error message?

generally the problem is the order in which it is done, like I posted above. :confuse3: doing it in that order seems to get it.


The problem was the image size, it was a tad over 90x90.

Thanks for the help, great to see you all.

I miss my 145x99 avatar, it looks much better at that resolution. This one is too small :(
The avatar dimension size is much bigger here than it is at many other places. If we were to make them much bigger, there's the chance someone will upload an extremely huge avatar, and every time they post to a thread, it will stretch out the left column of the post tables, thereby squeezing in the right column, which contains the actual post. In cases where the user is browsing with a very low resolution or browser window size, the space is already pretty tight.

I do think the file size could stand to be upped slightly, if only to make it a bit easier on a lot of people who seem to be just barely over the 24000 byte limit. There are only 528kb in avatars but there are over 11 megs in attachments, which are limited to 100kb in size. :eek:
My lightning (149x99) is only 14kB, but i understand the size and colums thing....
Originally posted by fury
The avatar dimension size is much bigger here than it is at many other places. If we were to make them much bigger, there's the chance someone will upload an extremely huge avatar, and every time they post to a thread, it will stretch out the left column of the post tables, thereby squeezing in the right column, which contains the actual post. In cases where the user is browsing with a very low resolution or browser window size, the space is already pretty tight.

I do think the file size could stand to be upped slightly, if only to make it a bit easier on a lot of people who seem to be just barely over the 24000 byte limit. There are only 528kb in avatars but there are over 11 megs in attachments, which are limited to 100kb in size. :eek:

Thank you JJR
Originally posted by Luis G
My lightning (149x99) is only 14kB, but i understand the size and colums thing....
Ahh, hell with it. Upload your 149x99 avatar, I increased avatar dimension size to 150x100... I just found out the column width is set to a minimum of 175 anyway.

woooooo hoooooooo !!!!!!

My cool lightning is back!!!!

BTW, it is only 12kB, i like to make jpgs as smaller as i can without losing much quality.
I don't mind larger avatars as long as they don't take a long time loading on my 56k connection. Nice avatars Luis and karlwb. :)
Thx, s4, i was getting used to your old avatar. :D :D

As you can see my avatar is the same as the smaller one, but this one looks much better, about size, the small was 9kB and this one is 12kB, is still way below the size limit.