avatar issues

Well, yeah OK - so lesson to the boys....never try and churn the butter with yer dick & nuts all stuck in the same jar!

(and as tonksy would say...ye can't churn butter with a toothpick either)
*bypasses the thought of cracking jokes in this thread because it simply does not need his special brand of bittersweet humour. bravo.*
unclehobart said:
*bypasses the thought of cracking jokes in this thread because it simply does not need his special brand of bittersweet humour. bravo.*
*scratches head*
Its my job to be the professional full time comedian in this establishment. My job is to ruse, confuse, misdirect, and dazzle the clientel with my squeaking rubber chicken and the occasional off-colour tit-fuck joke. I was merely stating that my presence is not required here to bail out this thread as it seems to be slap full of entertainment from corner to corner.
unclehobart said:
Its my job to be the professional full time comedian in this establishment. My job is to ruse, confuse, misdirect, and dazzle the clientel with my squeaking rubber chicken and the occasional off-colour tit-fuck joke. I was merely stating that my presence is not required here to bail out this thread as it seems to be slap full of entertainment from corner to corner.

yeah yeah, but how do you get the dog to leave you alone...he loves peanut butter!!!
paul_valaru said:
yeah yeah, but how do you get the dog to leave you alone...he loves peanut butter!!!
Why would you want him to leave you alone? Does he bite?
AlphaTroll said:
Yeah, but any thread can do with a tit-fuck from you. So go for it, show us what you got.
Nay, lass... No need to waste a perfectly good bad joke in thread that doesn't need it. I have to wait for a thread in desperate need of a strong lifeline to shake it back to life before I unleash it.
Teehee - yer stumped innit? You ain't got no joke to share! :D

(But seriously....you are of course right.....we wouldn't do that whole heart shock thing on someone who is alive & kicking innit?)
Condisering the glory and tastelessness of the internet at large, I shall never want for a good tit-fuck joke. A few keystrokes in google and viola! ... 25,000+ pages of nasty jokes ripe for stealing.
kuulani said:
okay, i'm feeling like a dork ... i can't get my christmas av to load :(
Me too-how the heck do I get one and from where???