New Member
So, I bet some guys think their pretty clever with the names they come up with (no really) for their dangly bits.
HAHA - Perfumed Garden's got ye beat maties
(Oz - ye'd sure recognise this
Abou aïne, he with one eye (OH, beware the spitting cyclops that would be the undoing of us all!)
El atsar, the pusher (seems that the nimble penis has decided to enhance it's fortunes by selling drugs on the open market)
El hamama, the pigeon (...........somehow I find it difficult to imagine any 'member' being so agile as to be able to peck breadcrumbs from the floor)
El dommar, the odd-headed (upon closer inspection James realised that he was in fact decendant from the Coneheads)
El ahlil, the liberator (Ah - ye see, the secret weapon in Iraq! Always knew they were a bunch of pricks)
El bekkaï, the weeping one (Someone must have poked it in it's one eye!)
El zodamme, the crowbar (For particularly difficult situations - guaranteed to force open even the tightest.....................clam)
El hezzaz, the rummager (must be difficult to find anything with just one eye)
Abou lâaba, the expectorant (OK - not for nothing, but does Vick's cough syrup not boast about being an expectorant? Guess if ye take it orally it would be good for clearing up the chest!)
El deukkak, the striker (Yeah well, blight of the modern world I suppose. But buddy, this is my factory & I say - No Work - No PAY!)
El dekhal, the housebreaker (Must be South African - it's a profession here - for those unfortunate souls that failed Highjacking school)
So - do you think you could beat that???
HAHA - Perfumed Garden's got ye beat maties
(Oz - ye'd sure recognise this
Abou aïne, he with one eye (OH, beware the spitting cyclops that would be the undoing of us all!)
El atsar, the pusher (seems that the nimble penis has decided to enhance it's fortunes by selling drugs on the open market)
El hamama, the pigeon (...........somehow I find it difficult to imagine any 'member' being so agile as to be able to peck breadcrumbs from the floor)
El dommar, the odd-headed (upon closer inspection James realised that he was in fact decendant from the Coneheads)
El ahlil, the liberator (Ah - ye see, the secret weapon in Iraq! Always knew they were a bunch of pricks)
El bekkaï, the weeping one (Someone must have poked it in it's one eye!)
El zodamme, the crowbar (For particularly difficult situations - guaranteed to force open even the tightest.....................clam)
El hezzaz, the rummager (must be difficult to find anything with just one eye)
Abou lâaba, the expectorant (OK - not for nothing, but does Vick's cough syrup not boast about being an expectorant? Guess if ye take it orally it would be good for clearing up the chest!)
El deukkak, the striker (Yeah well, blight of the modern world I suppose. But buddy, this is my factory & I say - No Work - No PAY!)
El dekhal, the housebreaker (Must be South African - it's a profession here - for those unfortunate souls that failed Highjacking school)
So - do you think you could beat that???