PuterTutor said:
I disagree with that. It was definitely in the self interest of plantation owners to be slave owners.
Reasons why slavery isn't practical:
1) To keep people enslaved one must keep them ignorant. Ignorant people are less productive than intelligent people.
2) Slaves do not benefit from their productivity, so they are motivated to do as little work as they can get away with.
3) The ruling caste must always live in fear a slave uprising.
4) Slaves can only be kept down by the constant threat of force, creating a society based on brutality that creeps into every aspect of life.
PuterTutor said:
They could not have produced the raw materials that this country needed without the slave labor market.
The North produced massive amounts of raw materials without slave labor. It could have been done in the agricultural south also. They just tried to take a short cut and it bit them on the ass.
PuterTutor said:
Do you realize how far behind we would be without slavery?
It's taken the south years to recover from the lingering effects of slavery. Do you realize how far ahead we would be without it?
PuterTutor said:
It was in Hitlers self-interest to elimate the Jews. He felt they were a threat to the way of life he had invisioned so he attempted to have them eliminated. Is that not self interest?
The Jews made up a large portion of the German middle class, their scientists, businessmen and intellectuals. Eliminating them impoverished German society by removing a large portion of their most productive, intelligent members.
In doing this, Hitler and the Germans who willingly cooperated with it were not acting in their best interests, they were acting on envy and an outwardly directed self-hatred, just like the Jew-hating Muslims of the middle east.
It's important to distinguish between what a person perceives to be in his self-interest, and what actually is in his self-interest. A person motivated by self-pity and depression may decide he would be better off dead and take his own life. The fact that he thinks he's acting in his self-interest doesn't mean that he really is. People who do self-destructive things because they are attempting to fill some void in their soul, or escape from anxiety, or for some other dysfunctional psychological reason cannot be understood as acting selfishly.