PrincessLissa said:
I am not saying that it is right, but you almost make it sound as if anyone using these programs is abusing them...I understand that there are a LOT of people out there who do abuse the system and those people make me sick to my stomach, but it is not everyone. Some people really need them and use them how they were meant to be used.
I also said that the problem is those who need the benefits can't get them because of those who abuse the system.
I have zero problem with helping anyone out for a while. I have a huge problem with being expected to support people who have no intention of doing anything to ever support themselves though fully capable of doing so.
A kid having babies at 13 will be on the take for life. Just as she probebly wants to be. Therefore, in her case, she gets exactly what she wants, and gets it from the sweat of my brow. Tell me that's right.
I do not qualify for any assistance whatsoever, despite the fact that very soon I will be going without pay to recover from necessary surgery. Despite the fact that in the 18 months leading up to this surgery I have pulled myself to work on days that anyone would have justified me staying home. I have gone to work in pain the likes of which most people will never endure. And when I could really use 45 days of benefits, I don't qualify; but these baby factories have places lined up to hand them everything from food stamps to food boxes to soap to diapers to you name it.
The day I walked across a college campus hungry, cold due to inadequate coat, and exhausted from studying, and happened to be behind three divas draped in gold, wearing running suits that each cost more than everything in my closet combined, and listened to them bitch because they HAD to go to college because they got it free because they are black women, while I could not get dime one of financial aid and honestly wanted to be there, my attitudes changed forever. Sue me.
Oh, I'm not worried. This little floozy will be well provided for. Kerry et al will make sure of it. As for the working class fools among us, to Hell with us. We need to pay more taxes so more pieces of filth like this kid can lay on their collective asses and do nothing but make more babies to pay for. It's all in the name of social consciousness doncha know.
Well, my social consciousness tells me that if some of them were forced to get off their hineys and break a legal sweat, they might learn the value of a dollar...or a bottle of cough medicine...or a pound of hamburger. If all these things suddenly weren't provided for them, maybe they'd have no choice but take care of themselves, control their urges once in a while, and do like the rest of us are forced to responsibly within your means. It wouldn't kill them; it might just help them more than another handout will.
[SnP donning body armor in preparation of the onslaught]