Gonz said:
Reform doesn't work. Put their ass to work & stop the welfare system dead in its tracks.
Close enough for rock and roll.
To quote the much loved Abraham Lincoln him own self...
"You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."
To me, that includes feeding your family. To me, that includes pulling your own weight unless physically or mentally unable to do so. To me, that means getting off your ass and getting a job and making decisions about family size based at least somewhat on your ability to support them. Translation: if you can't afford a twelfth kid, wear a rubber.
Handouts take away initiative. When someone knows they never have to work, they won't work. When someone is told that their medical needs will be met free of charge, that beats any copay any insurance company offers to pieces. We have encouraged people (note I said people, and people only) to become dependent on government assistance to the point that their initiative is dead.
I hear stories from time to time about poor children born into this system who reach down deep inside, grab themselves by the bootstraps, and dedicate themselves to something (academics, sports, the arts, whatever) and improve their lot in life. These people are role models and should be celebrated far beyond some buffoon who wins a scripted contest on an island somewhere. Warrick Dunn, RB for the Falcons, is a prime example. That man is worthy of public accolade. He is also, sadly, the exception rather than the rule. And a quick trip to any city's low income neighborhood will prove it.
Initiative. The unflappable will to improve one's circumstances as much as possible.
Compare that to the practice of laying back and cashing the government check. I have words for that, but for the sake of decorum will not indulge here.
Defend whomever you like. I choose to support the ones actually working to pay their own way. Call it a character flaw; I like people who aren't lazy. Sue me.