Bach-ing it.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Ok, more single Father-ing it. The wife is gone for training again til Wednesday. I've got the kids, and my supply of duct tape is dwindling.
Well, then stick a light bulb up their asses and staple em' to the side of the house. If you use the blinking ones then the hair stands on end between blinks.

That was a joke people.
PT said:
Can't. Used em all on the xmas lights.
you coulda used the christmas lights...that way they'd be restrained and festive.
**edit** and without a lightbulb up the poop chute :hmm:
What you need (and it's probably to late to cultivate it now) is a reputation for insanity and violence. Like "the alleged incedent where the guy lost four teeth and his left testicle..."

Failing that, you could fake a heart attack. They probably already think you're old enough to die at any moment anyway.
chcr said:
Failing that, you could fake a heart attack. They probably already think you're old enough to die at any moment anyway.
The heart attack worked, but they took my wallet and car keys and they left.
This thread put me in mind of the Little Rascals episode where they put the baby on the floor with glue...anyone remember it? :lol:
Say it with me...I know that you can...

Digital Babysitter!

- 4-6 bottles of Coke
- 1 Xbox (Gamecube or N64 may be substituted in a pinch)
- many, many games or 1 really fuckin' addictive one
- chips, snacks, chocolate etc...

Place all items in proximity of a bathroom (in case of emergencies), plug items in, plug kids in...stand back! Add movies on DVD to taste.

Voila! Instant Digital-babysitter :)

For the older kids...especially boys. Introduce them to i-porn ... you may never see their pasty-faces again. :D
MrBishop said:
Say it with me...I know that you can...

Digital Babysitter!

:hmm: Sounds like a recipe for disaster. If you give kids what they want, they'll only get bored with it that much faster... ;)

MrBishop said:
For the older kids...especially boys. Introduce them to i-porn ... you may never see their pasty-faces again. :D

:hmm: But just think of the sticky, gooey, mess you'll have to clean up afterward... :fap: :fap:
HomeLAN said:
Velcro, properly applied, can be quite effective, and adds the amusement factor of chafing.

Velcro is GOD

*makes note to get a pic of herself wearing her VELCRO touque*
Six kids. Say it with me. Even with the multi-tap, you can connect 4 controllers. Do the math. 6-4=2 VERY PISSED OFF KIDS!!!

Nope, duct tape. I've restocked today. Now, as long as they haven't changed the locks between the time they get home from school and the time I get home from work, I'm good. Otherwise it looks like I'll have to find another place to stay tomorrow.
PT said:
Six kids. Say it with me. Even with the multi-tap, you can connect 4 controllers. Do the math. 6-4=2 VERY PISSED OFF KIDS!!!

Nope, duct tape. I've restocked today. Now, as long as they haven't changed the locks between the time they get home from school and the time I get home from work, I'm good. Otherwise it looks like I'll have to find another place to stay tomorrow.

You mean you didn't leave a second story window unlocked just for such an emergency? :eek: I thought you knew better...:D
Dude, you're forgetting the Parent's Best Friend...the fail-proof remedy for kids running amok...that last bastion of parental sanity trusted for generations...

NY-QUIL!!!!! :drink: